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Great stuff milk, they are all great!

Stunted Double
Hey, hey Mr Milkman.
I am sorry but I could not resist.
There is no need for anyone to tell me I am hijacking a thread, because this, my friends, is to honour milk and his spectacular specimen.

Roll it...

Milk, milk,
you are like Pam Ayres,
with your poetic gold
that you like to share

He grew a big bush
in his mom-in-laws closet,
blueberry? cheese? kush?
err, what was it?

Northern Lights from Royal Queen Seeds,
that mofo bush
will take care of his needs

With his mail order lights
and his magic beans
he grew a big plant
the plant of my dreams

Hope that your smokin'
the fruits of your toil
he nurtured his girl
from day 1 in the soil

Now she's drying
milk's got the munchies
he's frying

But who will do the washing up?
hahah mum i love it !! brilliant :) smiles from start to finish reading that !! sorry everyone ive been away for like 3-4 days but im back !!! haha that poem lol love it !! thank you very much !!! stay tuned much more to be happening here ... plus .. new grow soon !! EEK !!
To all of you who may have missed me very much !! I AM INFACT BACK !! AND I MOVE INTO MY NEW PLACE ON 8th JANUARY !! WOO HGOO !!! LOVE LOVE !! MISSED U ALL !!!
Hey thanks for the weird but funny poem !!! :spit: :dance::grat::beast:
To everyone sorry so sorry for my absence it's horrible to be away from here, as I did say much has been happening, I was due to move out on the 8th of this month. It turns out I'm moving on the 1st of February now . I have Internet back and I look forward to chatting with you all, creating poetry and growing again. I did have some trouble with the police and customs which I will explain in my growing thread . Anyway I am actually back now so I will be active after work. Take care everyone !!
To everyone sorry so sorry for my absence it's horrible to be away from here, as I did say much has been happening, I was due to move out on the 8th of this month. It turns out I'm moving on the 1st of February now . I have Internet back and I look forward to chatting with you all, creating poetry and growing again. I did have some trouble with the police and customs which I will explain in my growing thread . Anyway I am actually back now so I will be active after work. Take care everyone !!

check your pm's milk

peace :cool:

The Return Of the Milk !

So here i am again , i am really back for good ! i just was in the department store , buying some wood.
In the spare room constructing a frame , time for me to get back in the game.
The police they did come and take most of my stuff , but to say i didn't have a grow light well that was a bluff.

so i have what i need , and my very last seed.. lets hope it can bring me what i need.

everything's set up and im good to go , the weather outside is sunny and a little of snow
things are looking good after a terrible few months, thanks to the police those inconsiderate cunts.

so here i go wish me some luck, hope theres not a knock at the door to make go FUCK!

ive had a great laugh doing all these poems and its good they bring a smile your way to lighten up your day :) much more to come as promised before :) have a great day everyone and take care !

Quality Milk!:D