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Oh my, alright. lol. Take care dude!
Milks Magical Poems

poem #25 Megatron

Megatron O megatron , you LED king
why do you stick objects in your mechanical ring ?

i have begun to wonder it sure must sting
but hey .. it must just be a megatron thing.

he is a minature master , growing great gear
but back to the objects he puts in his rear

why do you do this , why put that down your pants
megatron tells me its good for his plants

but how can this be myself i must ask
he says i dont know its just a random task.

confused i am with his outrageous endeavour
he says calm down milk it wont last forever.

but megatron lies he trys to disguise
he puts allsorts of things up there some apple pies

megatron you are kind at heart
but wow its amazing when you see megatron fart.

out comes the turnips from the night before
fridges and workbenches seriously what for?

he says any size fits in a megatrons bum
us humans think its odd but he thinks its fun

coffee machines and blenders and a large glue gun
these are the things that make a megatron cum.

but all this a side he works hard in the garden
tending to other growers especially bin laden.

helping with the opuim an large quantities of hash
megatrons happy when he sees cash.

but back to the growroom megatron says
out comes the oil and megatron sprays

getting ready for a dishwasher to go up my bum
megatrons happy the nights just begun.

No doubt hahah I wonder what's going on in that head of yours :lol:

My pot noodle wet dream... i miss you pot noodle !!! :kitty:

i miss you so much , so much indeed... i long for that erotic midnight feed
sucking you gently up into my hole , feeling your hotness is really my goal.

chewing you gently , yet swallowing whole.. im going down under deep like a mole.

your spicy and nice and warming to my hands , some of you around here must understand.

your precious and tiny and slippery slimy , oh god that feeling i need again o blimey!

licking my lips as i finish you off , i pull out another and rip the top off

choices choices which do i choose , either way anyone i really wont loose.

sucking you hard making a loud sound, pouring you in with my lips all around.

i miss you pot noodle come back to my arms , i dont care if you get all over my garms.

lets get messy and sloppy i say , lets make love pot noodle in a wonderfull way.

Some girls they like poodles , but for me its pot noodles

fuck all that other shit like rhubarb and strudels.

i want you right now my bombay bad boy, i am your victim i am your toy

chicken and mushroom you taste so great , i wish i could eat you every day at eight.

chow mein your amazing dont get me wrong, id suckle you till late night while wearing a thong.

southern fried chicken and donner kebab , jesus theres all kinds of pot noodles that i would love to have.

come to me now via ebay you bitch.. hurry up ****** and cure my fucking itch..

Haha haha :crying: I just knew you were gonna write a poem milk,its another winner mate :crying:
Haha milk I hope you enjoy your Bombay badboys mate :group: