Outdoor my outdoor adventures with MANY strains from seed

  • Thread starter Thread starter Irish Pride
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Do you manually water/feed your outdoor plants?
Or do you let the rain and the natural soil do the work?
Do you manually water/feed your outdoor plants?
i havent yet but when they are bigger and use up the soil nutes i will be watering with pure blend pro and liquid karma and foliar feeding with liquid karma and sm-90

do you let the rain and the natural soil do the work?
rain water only so far and i dug out each hole in the big plot and filled each in with MG preferted soil and on the small plot i tore up the whole bed about 6" deep and added 32 cu ft of MG preferted soil and mixed it with the native soil. all together i carried in over 60 cu ft of soil.
Irish bro, you got a whole farm going I'm subbed up! :pop: :thread:
ill update whenever i can. not sure if ill have time for pics next time i go out or not though. its been 4 days so far since i been out and i wont be able to make it out for another day or 2 so im sure i'll have quite a few males waiting for me to dig em up and take em home and i want to foliar for the first time with liquid karma and sm90. was going to add pure blend pro but i've got photo and auto growing together so plants in veg and flowerso i may have to wait and root feed that since i cant carry 2 backpack sprayers at once..
Nice plot man have 1 going myself same climate lot of problems with deer & shitty weather. Good luck with your grow il be following :)
luckily the animals are leaving me alone

i was out this morning and everything has grown a good bit since last visit. sadly the only male i found was a very wimpy masterlow. seems all my masterlow got stunted and are about 3 inches tall. they make my lowriders seem like giants. the auto asian haze took off like a rocket but still hasnt given any indication of sex. the og kush is finally growing and putting out real leaves. dojaberry has no sign of sex but has some purple on the new growth. deep chunk and grape krush are both turning into a ball of leaves. i wish more of these would have made it, i think i only have about 10 GK and 5 dc. one of my grapefruits had a massive black and yellow spider living on it that i reluctantly left there. my auto diesels shot up about 8 inches in the 5 days since i visited last, kind of hoping a male shows up but i think the 2 wimpy ones i killed may have been it. so far the only thing showing the start of buds are the lowriders which i may hit with the magic dragon pollen just for the hell of it. who knows i might want to grow joints on a stick someday.

below is a shot of some of the lowriders from the same time i took the other pics. dunno how i forgot them since they are the only thing with buds.

ill update later tonight with the new pics. they've grown bunches