the seed dont need light to germinate

so take the pot somewhere a lil warmer,give it a few days

i start on a wednesday and the seed pops up on a monday

7/10 times but sometimes it can be tue,wed or even the following tuesday

101 ways to germ a seed,its whatever suits you

we all get a dud now and again

some of us have had a seedling that wanted to grow upside down
a pallet,cardboard anything to put under the tent,set the pots on a box inside the tent.maybe throw a rug over the tent.
im more stoner than grower

i dont get around as many threads as id like to,so @ me and any of the other 28 peeps that have had a look in here

use that quote button to
Did a bit more gently skimming and there is zero activity, bit the bullet and dug down and nada, ziltch...Guess I pooched it on the first attempt. Ego bruised and lesson learned *sigh*....Mods, feel free to delete this thread as I'll be starting another grow asap. Thanks all.
id rather not delete it

could be usefull fo a fellow new grower at some point

i can put a completed tag on the thread,and close/lock it from any further posts ?
@arch............... the box pops up

click the cuppa tea thats me