hey 5th, I don't get too fancy just what (I think) need....this is my first dwg so I'm going by 'feel' a little bit mixing my own 'extras'..I'm using ro water with stealth grow products (micro, grow, and bloom) I also add calmag, and a squirt or two of each of the following...aqua shield, silica blast, hydroplex, sweet, liquid karma, with lot's 'o' love...water temp ..never measure it if it's warm in the house it's good enough!...ph 5.6 - 6.2....ppms right now apx 1050-1350...I don't check the humidity, have a exhaust fan ,co2, or light timer, just the basic stuff that's needed...I'll try and get some black hose but for now I just wash the buckets eveytime I change the water...by the way it's time to change the water!