Grow Mediums My 'lil' mop top

  • Thread starter Thread starter p man
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cacel post due to capitalization i just found out that's aganist the rules...
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Imagine you in a empty warehouse with funds.. Fraking AMazing dude!
my apologies to all..... as I was called out on writing in caps just found out it's 'against the rules' or for the excitment on my plant production....just thought you might enjoy the outcome of my growths .....once again sorry for posting my pics
p man
Pics look great P Man and I hope you are cool,I hope you don't mind me saying but the only way we can communicate is via text and I know a lot of people see capitals as SHOUTING lol I doubt it's against to rules but people could (without reading it) think it was a rant or something. I do hope your cool with this bro we pride are selves on a good vibe here as you know. Here I an idea if you want your text to stand out a little more just change the gone or the colour. Peace bro.
How the trich's looking bro? Mop Top looking dank as hell.