Indoor My hydroponic adventures!

Here's a bit of an update, although I just updated the other day... but i mean who here doesn't like pictures..... exactly... lol on to the good stuff.

Durban poison... getting fatter and is starting to really fill in. Feeding her pretty heavy, using dry ferts similar to Jack's. And shes loving it, all of my plants love it actually. Aside from golden lemon haze which is fed only water using florganics. Thanks to @TheMongol for the knowledge on this stuff... really impressed with it. Golden lemon haze loves it and is thriving now that the ph issue has been solved.. :naughtystep:.


Durban poison on the furthest left. 2fast 2 vast in the middle (shes tiny) and golden lemon haze in the far corner. Grape God is the plant furthest right.... shes been impressive also. Have a cutting so Ice made some plans for her lol


This is grape god furthest bucket to the left. And 2 fruitylicious plants to the right. Both 5gal dwc. The fruitylicious are sharing a 720l air pump and the grapegod has her own 540l pump lol (maybe that's why shes doing so well :crying:)


Here are all of my mothers, clones, and seedlings. Crammed into 2x2 of space just how I like them lol.

I have a mix of all kinds of shit in here..... wayyyyy too much to list at least not without another joint or 3..

Anyway fambam that she grows..


A selfie of Durban poison.. 2fast 2vast photoboming lol both in 3gal of coco,
Isn't Flo doing a fine work? I love watching the plants growing in it and getting bigger and fater day by day, wait the end product, you'll definitely will taste and smell the difference to mineral hand watered:pass:
Bit of an update! Got some babies finally! Managed to pop:
@Magic bubba trouble. Shes 3 or 4 days old, gonna transplant her into a 3gal pot of coco, will save the other beans for dwc ;)
@Gabe pain killer 2x snozzberry and 1 truffula - painkiller will be featured in the 2lt grow off the 2 snozz will go into 2gals on coco and get blasted with notes. Truffula I plan to put into a dwc and push the fuck out of her lol
@pop22 got a black dragon up, a blue dragon and a "cd" can't remember for shit what they were lol (chem dog is what I labeled them as) excited to finally have some dragons in my closet. I will be happy however these turn out Male or female ;) I'll be honest, I'm more excited for the black dragons that I am anything else.
Also popped a flash formula one regular (trying for a male)
A mephisto mbap
A heavyweight 2fast 2vast
@Myroaches also germed my last bluestreak99, looking forward to pushing this in the 2lt grow. I will also update here.

And that's all for babies! Still have a few beans in coco waiting to sprout ;) I have a nukeheadz pez photo bean hoping will pop also

Enjoy :)
WOOOoooooo HOOOoo! Good to see you growing them! The CD is CushDog, a cross of Mephisto's Chemdawging x Cush ( Mephitso's Cush ie Greencrack ). She's a potent little girl! You'll ;love Black Dragon also, they don't get all that big, but they are awesome medicine.

And I can't wait for you to tell me what you think of myBlue Dragon buds! I'm sure you'll enjoy! My best Blue Dragon so far gave 7 ounces of bud!

Bit of an update! Got some babies finally! Managed to pop:
@Magic bubba trouble. Shes 3 or 4 days old, gonna transplant her into a 3gal pot of coco, will save the other beans for dwc ;)
@Gabe pain killer 2x snozzberry and 1 truffula - painkiller will be featured in the 2lt grow off the 2 snozz will go into 2gals on coco and get blasted with notes. Truffula I plan to put into a dwc and push the fuck out of her lol
@pop22 got a black dragon up, a blue dragon and a "cd" can't remember for shit what they were lol (chem dog is what I labeled them as) excited to finally have some dragons in my closet. I will be happy however these turn out Male or female ;) I'll be honest, I'm more excited for the black dragons that I am anything else.
Also popped a flash formula one regular (trying for a male)
A mephisto mbap
A heavyweight 2fast 2vast
@Myroaches also germed my last bluestreak99, looking forward to pushing this in the 2lt grow. I will also update here.

And that's all for babies! Still have a few beans in coco waiting to sprout ;) I have a nukeheadz pez photo bean hoping will pop also

Enjoy :)
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WOOOoooooo HOOOoo! Good to see you growing them! The CD is CushDog, a cross of Mephisto's Chemdawging x Cush ( Mephitso's Cush ie Greencrack ). She's a potent little girl! You'll ;love Black Dragon also, they don't get all that big, but they are awesome medicine.

And I can't wait for you to tell me what you think of myBlue Dragon buds! I'm sure you'll enjoy! My best Blue Dragon so far gave 7 ounces of bud!
Oh man you just made me even more excited! I'm really excited for the 2 dragons, blueberry is my top [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] favorite flower. And purple is my kryptonite lol so like I said man I'll be happy with either sex, gonna drop a few more once I finish hanging all if my lights lol
Hey all, just took 2 fat dabs and rolled a fatty so I figured it's a perfect time for an update on a few journals I've got going. Starting with my main thread (this one)

Currently have all sorts of shit at all sorts of days so it's a bit hard for me to be precise lol I promise for real that next update I'll have preside days on each plant lol.

Bagseed Durban poison, (beast on the left side) looks absolutely stunning, I can't remember for shit what day shes on but I do know shes spotted to be first chopped. Week 5 maybe? Lol

Blue dragon, (hidden in the middle) shes only on day 10ish I believe lol but it's looking great! Keeping her coco wet so I can get the best results possible.

Seed stickers golden lemon haze, (far right). Such a sativa it's not even funny. She was put to flower before the Durban but is developing so much slower. Buds aren't really developing like I'd like. I'm going to give her another 2 weeks to fatten up, but if it stays airy I'm going to have to chop her down.

Can anyone offer any advice on sativas? I stick to indica dominant strains for the most part so sativas are not my forte lol


You can also see my little bubba trouble baby, she was just born, I went start counting her days until I see some true leaves

Blue dragon that's hidden :

Grape god, (far left bucket), 5gal dwc. Has been an absolute beast since day 1, shes a week or 2 behind my bigger girls, week 4 maybe? (I really need to get my shot together and find out what day everything is on lol) shes packing on feost really thick and I'm pretty sure she will be a staple in my veg tent lol

Fruitylicious, (2 buckets to the right of grape god) 5+year old beans from mandala, I self crossed and have grown her every now and then strictly to cook with or make bho. Shes an awsome plant very fruity aroma. Good smoke just not "loud" or very fragrant. Literally smells like grass until you grind it or what not and it stinks so I just use it strictly for harvesting resin, although I'll smoke a few joints of it to be nostalgic lol

Grape god close up:

I set up one of my 600w Marshydro panels in the corner with a couple of sweet cheese clones, (my cheese jars are looking low) lol shes super stinky bud, one of my favs. Also have a small snozzberry on day 3 or 4 a little stretchy but I'm not too worried about it, looking forward to what comes of it.

Blue dragon showed me her lady bits yesterday! Happy to say I'll be smoking some blue dragon buds soon! Also plan to pollinate a branch to try and introduce some purple genetics to it ;)

Looking so forward to this @pop22 I can't wait man, I'm so stoked that it's coming along great, I feel like a kid in a candy store this baby can't grow fast enough lol