New Grower My Grow-Oh No! (already abandoned, thanks for the words)


Noobie Doobie
Mar 26, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
My first girl Lucy. She's been extremely kind to me.
Morning folks. I have a CKS White Widow auto that I'm going to journal, mainly to help me keep track of what I do right and wrong.
As of today, it's been in plain potting soil in one of those recycled paper cup things since 5-1 under a single 23W CFL..
I haven't made up my mind on the medium I'm going to use. I currently have all options open FFOF, ProMix Organic, potting soil with amendments. Any suggestions there would be appreciated.
I currently have 3 WW of various ages; from 3.5-6.5 weeks from seed and a bagseed photo, but I was all over the place with those trying to find what I like. I'm kinda partial to the amended potting soil route, but I clearly have no idea what will be best.
I currently have two grow areas set up. One is 324w T5HO and 2 300w LED's. My nutrients are DynaGro Grow and Bloom and CalMag. (anything else I need, let me know. I'm a sponge).
I'll get pics up in a few hours. My house is chaos right now. I'm remodeling my house, my American Bulldog just had puppies and I'm warring with coons and foxes trying to get my ducks and chickens, and after 7 days of rain where we got 7+ inches of rain, my property is an overgrown jungle that needs mowing something fierce. Chaos.
If anyone reading this as I go sees where I'm messing up, I'd appreciate a heads up. Thanks for playing.