Here's the deal pigman, you will need to provide a place with complete darkness for 12 hours a day to get those photos to flower. A tent is the perfect place to achieve that. Remember controling your environment to provide your ladies with the elements essential for growth (optimal growth is the goal, but it takes time and experience). If you opt for metal halide or hps lights you will definately need to install an exhaust fan and a fan in the tent to stimulate strong stems and distribute fresh air to all leaves. I do suggest you look into led lighting as it is more efficent in the sense that it produces more par per watt. Plus leds are better able to pinpoint the light plants utilize for metabolism. Remember I am a rookie and my knowledge base is limited to what I have read here and I have read some books on the subject. Please take what I say with a huge grain of salt and verify. I am in the middle of moving as soon as I get settled inI will start my journal and post pics of my tents and equipment. Keep the faith bro, you can do this, knowledge is your friend, but experience is your guide.