New Grower My desktop grow, DG X CDLC X MS

The tied down leaves took no time to start and reorient themselves towards the light. This morning she has adapted to yesterdays tie down and has started growing upwards like nothing happened.

She will be topped tonight or tomorrow morning when there is enough room below the 5th node leaves to top and not simply fim it.
Here she is all splayed out like a witch at the inquisition.....

16 days
I topped her yesterday, but being a tad ham fisted I nicked one of the 4thnode stem almost in half, within minutes the leaf started to shrivel up. I propped it up with a skewer and just 6 hours later it appears to have started healing and is aiming straight up and the leaf itself looks healthy again. I will wait a day or two to allow her to heal fully before I start restraining that leaf.

She received her normal amount of "water"(4oz) with a dose of AN GMB and some ff Bushdoctor calmag in distilled water. Total ec of 350.

Day 18
It appears that this small airpot only had about 2 weeks of goodness in it, the girl responded very well to the GMB. I turned the light up to 350umol and will increase every day a little at a time.
Yesterday the damaged leaf was wilting again and barely attached so I removed it this morning to allow the plant to concentrate on growing rather than repairing a leaf that wasn't growing at all. You can see the leaf in the drip tray.

Day 20


She received another round of restraints, this time on all the new growth. Having to remove one of node4 leaves due to my screwup, has made her a tad lopsided, but oh well! She is drinking more for sure, won't be long and I will need to water every day. Turned the lights up to 400umol, 17 hours with a 1 hour ramp up and down.

I am seriously considering forcing her into flower sometime before day 28, I do want to keep her small.
I do not know how it happened but she was starting to taco a bit last night just before lights out, so I checked the ph of the runoff with the drops and it was a solid yellow, checked it with the Hanna and it was 5.1 and the TDS was pegged(3000+), so I quickly flushed the little airpot with nearly a gallon of spring water with a ph of 7.19 and TDS of 30. Ph is now 6.4 with a TDS of 465 and she looks happy now!
The only thing I added before it started to taco was a 5oz hit of AN GMB that had a TDS of 350 yesterday. And the ph and TDS of the soil was fine before the GMB.... At a loss to figure out how it went so crazy so quickly!?!?!?