Indoor My Chemdogging


Hydroponic Heretic
Feb 16, 2015
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Haven't been around for some time now. I decided it was too much of a risk to be on here all the time, but I wanted to pop in and throw up some pics of this grow. My last grow lasted me many months, and now it's time.. She is about 7 weeks from seed right now.

Mephisto Chemdogging x2 in 3.5 gallon DWC.


2 MarsHydro 300w panels with 5wleds and some cfls added in during flowering.

GH FloraDuo nutes, GH Rapidstart, Liquid Koolbloom, Flora Nectar, Floralicious Plus.

I also use Dutch Master Zone to stay sterile, and Earth Juice cal/mag.

Home-built cab is 6ft tall total, with about 1.5 feet at the top being an air chamber and 2 feet at the bottom being the res chamber. It's pretty complex for a home built system.

Anyway, here are the girls. I may update again before Harvest. Sorry some are sideways.

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Dude, that plant looks great!!!! I have been just getting back to growing from some time off, and had been doing some thinking about changing up my nute regimen to a simpler mix than what I'm doing right now.. I'm currently using GH 3-part plus a bunch of supplements.. I picked up a couple small bottles of the Duo last night, and was kinda wondering what kind of feeding scheme you do, as I do a hybrid hydro, but would use a similar ppm/EC as DWC would.. I'm on week 3 of my plants, and their growth is anything but stellar (trying to shake the rust off!!)..

I'm currently at an EC of 0.2 (roughly 90ppm).. Last time I grew this strain, they were a bit sensitive to the nutes, but I also had issues a bunch of other issues with that grow, outside of actually growing the plant..
Well I use this chart, basically. I kinda pick and choose the "week" based on what the plant looks like. I run 1/4 to 1/2 strength depending on what the plant looks like it needs, and can stand. Also, I start bumping the koolbloom and floranectar up to 3/4 strength about mid-grow, and end up at full strength with them. I actually go a little higher than full strength with those two at the end of flower.


I am actually logging in my "GreenJeans' Garden" thread now. I already harvested this and posted there. The link is in my signature. I will be starting a new seed soon.