Indoor My hydroponic adventures!

Figure it's time for an update, today is day 30 of flower and things are getting nice and frosty in my room. The buds themselves are forming and getting fatter also.

Starting with my ebb and flow light bar. Next round it'll just be 2 flood tables. Currently sharing the space with a 5gal dwc photo. I've sprouted a few seeds in the tables just to see how it would operate and so far I'm liking it a lot. Have 5 green poison reg photos, 2 gold widow reg autos, a reg BlackBerry, a reg auto cushdog, and 1 bean that I dont know shit about lol i found it and figured I'd germ it. All of the seedlings are being run 1212 from germ as everything else is in flower and I have no veg space atm. Skidmark is in a 5gal dwc bucket and is huuuge! Drinking over a gallon a day and chugging along. I've got the ppms so high on her and she is showing just the slightest burnt tips, this is at 1800+ ppm, I love this strain.

Seedlings in flood table.

Skidmark in dwc

1st light bar group shot

Under the second light bar I have more skidmark, a single moonstone that stayed very small and a "lytle green men" by gabe in 2gal dwc. Skidmark and moonstone are all in coco. LGM, is flowering nicely and has a ton of frost. Her germ date was 3/8 so shouldn't be much longer on her. The skids have a good month maybe longer left and moonstone is also getting close as she is very small and maturing the fastest.


Skidmarks, and moonstone

2nd light bar group shot

Enjoy friends, more updates coming as things progress!
Figure it's time for an update, today is day 30 of flower and things are getting nice and frosty in my room. The buds themselves are forming and getting fatter also.

Starting with my ebb and flow light bar. Next round it'll just be 2 flood tables. Currently sharing the space with a 5gal dwc photo. I've sprouted a few seeds in the tables just to see how it would operate and so far I'm liking it a lot. Have 5 green poison reg photos, 2 gold widow reg autos, a reg BlackBerry, a reg auto cushdog, and 1 bean that I dont know shit about lol i found it and figured I'd germ it. All of the seedlings are being run 1212 from germ as everything else is in flower and I have no veg space atm. Skidmark is in a 5gal dwc bucket and is huuuge! Drinking over a gallon a day and chugging along. I've got the ppms so high on her and she is showing just the slightest burnt tips, this is at 1800+ ppm, I love this strain.

Seedlings in flood table.
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Skidmark in dwc
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1st light bar group shot
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Under the second light bar I have more skidmark, a single moonstone that stayed very small and a "lytle green men" by gabe in 2gal dwc. Skidmark and moonstone are all in coco. LGM, is flowering nicely and has a ton of frost. Her germ date was 3/8 so shouldn't be much longer on her. The skids have a good month maybe longer left and moonstone is also getting close as she is very small and maturing the fastest.

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Skidmarks, and moonstone
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2nd light bar group shot
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Enjoy friends, more updates coming as things progress!
Hey all look great keep it up love seeing hydro setups wish I could but temps are to high for that and can't run AC I will be tagging along for sure sending good grow vibes to ya
Thanks man this is the first time I've had a decent set up to where heat isn't an issue. I'm in fl so I'm no stranger to 100 degree months lol, but with my rook having ac from the house already plumbed in and my LEDs not causing that much heat I find that my temps stay pretty consistent. A rez chiller would be nice but I'm too cheap for all that. Thanks for the good vibes brother, headed right back your way.
I see 90 almost all summer with way ever humidity outside is on average 70 plus percent I'm in a CT a summer sucks for 2nd story growing with no AC I do have a miracle grow aeroponics thinking of trying that with a blue toof 24 bc they are small
Well guys, all the plants made it to harvest. I took the lyttle green men about 3 weeks ago, got a good oz and a half from her. But it's been coming in clutch to keep us medicated while we waited for the big girls to be done. Didnt get many pics of them while trimming

Also popped the next round of seeds. Planted 20, 15 came up, 2 have since died so sitting at 13/20. A few were older seed that I will give another 7 days to germ after that I'll plant a few replacements.
5 - bhodi - snow leopard v2 reg photo / 4 popped 2 died still waiting in the last bean to pop.
5 - short stuff - auto gorilla shizzle gem auto / 4 popped and still alive, waiting for the last.
3 - gabe's - bawdy snatcher fem auto / all 3 popped and are healthy.
2 - gabe's - lyttle green men fem auto - 1 popped waiting on the other to hopefully pop.
2 - rqs - quick one fem auto/ 2 popped and are healthy.
2 - th seeds - darkstar / none have popped, really hoping they do as this is the one I was most excited for.
1 - pyramid seeds - auto purple / 1 popped and is healthy, need to order more of these as they hold a special place in my heart lol

Thinking of dropping some portal auto regs as replacements. Will decide in a few days. I may not though as I also have a hpg MOB in veg, in a make shift tent. Had no choice but to put her in the flower room while I waited for the girls to be done and the lights to change to veg but she started to flower so I took her out about 6 days ago and have had her in a makeshift tent under 24/0 light until she shows signs of reveg, also have a female seeds bubblegummer in veg that did the same.

Also picked up the last of my supplies to convert my room into hydro only. Will do any with coco as I transplant everything into ints final hydro home. Making 2 flood table systems to run under 1 light bar and will have 3 dwc bubble buckets under the second. I've ready made fans, just need to cut a few holes and away we go.
Got all my little seedlings transplanted into their new homes and I gotta say I'm liking the flood and drain. Pretty sure I'm going to run 4 tables with 24 pots and just keep it rotating with autos. Undecided yet cause I love my photos but we'll see.

Day 13 on most of these girls. (Snow leopards got a little stunted from germ but they are photos so I'm not too worried, they have all the time they need to fix themselves lol.

The 2 tables, 12 pots. 10 fem auto beans (various breeders) and 2 reg photo pots (snow leopard)

4 - short stuff - auto gorilla shizzle

2 - bhodi - snow leopard v2

1 - royal queen seeds - quick one

3 - gabe's (sterquilinis?) - bawdy snatcher

1 - pyramid seeds - auto purple

Last one is also from gabe, Lyttle Green Men
This one germed fine then the main stem turned into a leaf and did all kids on weird shit, so I snipped it essentially "topping" it to try to fix it. If it doesnt look better in a week or 2 I'll scrap it. The last one i grew was awesome, this one. Not so much. 1st one I've had an issue with though so not bad.

Last but not least we have the forgotten lol. I've been enjoying the automation of the flood tables so much that I've been neglecting the 2 photo's I have in coco. Again they have plenty of time to get back on track so I'm not super worried but they look rough and I need to pay them some attention lol

Female seeds bubblegummer on the left and hpg MOB on the right.
You were right @TheMongol I was super busy! Had to trim 8oz by myself, still have about 3 oz that I got lazy and just rough trimmed that I need to finish lol

The tables are doing great, the coco moms are also doing better, I have been hacking them up hoping the reveg will hurry lol.

Tables hold 10 auto fems in 1gal pots of hydroton getting flooded 3 times a day for 30min at a time. The gorilla shizzles are doing ok, they are relatively small compared to my other girls.

These pics are from when the site was down no particular order just tossing up what I have, I'll do a legit update soon.
