Indoor Getting Back To My Mostly Organic Affair

They are a bit droopy from watering them well at transplant, wanted to make sure the Bigfoot Mychorrizhae and RTI Mykos stuck well to the roots, so I sprayed them down good. Seemed to do the trick, even if it made them droop a bit. Got my new P300 light all the way up at 41" to try and encourage some vertical growth out of these new little plants. Ay advice is appreciated.

Nice and healthy looking new plants! Love the river pictures had to snag one for my wallpaper hope that's cool :spels:
@MordecaiAlliVanAllenOshea Thank you! I can't wait to try the Strawberry! I can't even remember how old mine is half to go back and look but around a month though, then I have a smaller one and I am about to start another one as well as another 24K. It will be interesting to see if we get one of the pink hair phenos. You have a lot of awesome strains going will be fun to watch for sure! As for them being droopy I would just let them dry out really good before watering and try to go a little light on watering for a bit after the transplant.
Thank you @bhaskara_phoenix now that the lights came back on they aren't nearly as much droopy. I also laid out all of my pots for the run to come, it's going to be a full house. I will start a new thread here shortly and make sure to tag you and a few others onboard.