Indoor My auto's.Ak47xlr2 and Blueberry by Dutch Passion

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Fuck,the old time mechanical temp and humidity gauge is crap,i tryed a digital out/in temp and it showed 104f on top of plants! Will get another digital hymidity meter. Are giving them more air now.
Stupid bummer..but
Problem solved:):drool:
Glad to see your getting things dialed in once the room temps drop your soil temps should drop to hope thts all the prblm was.
Glad to see your getting things dialed in once the room temps drop your soil temps should drop to hope thts all the prblm was.
Thanx,it have been way too hot for them all the time,now the leafs are getting the right color and leaf structure is already looking healtyer. 6.2-11 i will soak them again with about 30% of recomended strength of the mother earth tea,as far as ive found out the ak47 likes nutes? But the bb is more sensitive..
Yeah everyone i've heard of tht has ever grown bb says she's funny about tha nutes.
yeah... bb is very nute sensitive! check my thread if you like indoor growing-->auto berry, autow widow, low ryder 2
glad you got things dialed back in... it always feels good to come back from an issue! lol
Thanks for comments and good wibes:) Im guessing they will boost up now.
Quote from attitude seedbank auto blueberry description: "Indoors this variety is an amazing alternative for growing from clones" Does this meen i can take a cutting from it??