New Grower My 1st Grow.....

I'm guessing I need a small dehumidifier inside the tent and maybe a bigger fan/filter but if I have negative pressure I shouldn't need a bigger fan right?
do you have side vents open on tent? any inlet air coming into tent? if so how? what speed you have controller on?
I'm guessing I need a small dehumidifier inside the tent and maybe a bigger fan/filter but if I have negative pressure I shouldn't need a bigger fan right?
honestly balancing temps & rh can sometimes be a real bitch, you will need dehumidifier & humidifier actually i use both.
temps & rh really were at fine levels before anyways, i'm mainly concerned with odor your getting not your rh, that's due to having fan to low more then likely.
I'm at work and didn't take pics of the filter so it will be later......the filter is hanging from the top of the tent with 4" duct coming out of the side of tent and into the fan.
i have my filter attached directly to my fan, then into ducting and exits.
only 1 bend in my ducting, so not much restriction
do you have side vents open on tent? any inlet air coming into tent? if so how? what speed you have controller on?
yeah a vent on the bottom is open and it is pulling air in from the room like hell........I closed it some and turned the fan on high this morn. before I left.
this show's my setup a bit
notice temps & humidity?