New Grower My 1st Grow.....

am not sure if you noticed how I added bars to my side walls to prevent them from being sucked in very much at all.
you'll want a 30pint also, maybe your able find smaller design then i have, i wasn't picky when i got mine. I just force it to fit, lol
yes, I had issues when mine was outside tent, plus remeber its undersized for that size tent to begin with, so any bends in ducting restrict that even less, so keep short as possible with least amount of bends.
Which filter/fan do you have?........I'm in hvac so duct is no
I know my tent looks empty in that pic, but it's quickly filling up, lol I never tried 4 auto's at once..because usually i never have enough room for more then one if you seen my past grows, lol
I got good deal on ebay for my fan/filter was an open box type deal. all my filter/fans routers are ventech's
i since replaced scrubber 3-4 times they last decent amount of time approx 5-6 grows each again depending on stink level of plants.
since your running 4 on that 4" I wouldnt be surprised if that's burned out by end of grow or before it ends, i hope not the latter
I know my tent looks empty in that pic, but it's quickly filling up, lol I never tried 4 auto's at once..because usually i never have enough room for more then one if you seen my past grows, lol
yeah that critical was I won't do 5 next time or use 4gallon n learn