New Grower My 1st Grow, A journey...

I dont worry about ,y ladies at night unless the temps get lower then 50 lol and it better not ..I dont check my Humidity either but my ac removes humidity so its good for flower to lower it..but its not needed to go that deep LOL super charge should add the boost of mycos to eat up some of that hot stuff you got in there..I think the FF ocean forest is better for out the bag auto growing plus added plite and green sand and dlime for better PH control.Led Make sure you give a lil cal/mag every feed ..LED =cal/mag hungry...I like to run my LED tent temps at around 80 I seem to get better results ..Pot temp/soil temp at 75 for best results."smile"My grow style is Intimidation and force LOL JK LOL I like to wing it and give what I think it wants or needs.:smokebuds:
Hey DABaracuss, Yep on the soil and the super charger, I think it is starting to work OK now. I flashed on the RH thing to. Of course it goes lower during the day, the exhaust fan is on to draw out some of the heat from the lights bringing in cool dry outside air. Doh!!:Stones slap:Speaking of bringing in air, does anyone use intake filters? Being in the basement and all I thought it may be a good idea.
Last nights photos for you perusal...



And the baby... BDM
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CC Day 28 BK Day 18 BDM Day 2
Temp 77 RH 52
Things look good in Grow World!

6:00 PM
Temp 78 RH 36
Things are looking really good. I am very pleased with how things are going and growing. Just hope I don't get in my own way!!
Tomorrow is day three for the BDM girls and following Nam80232's grow I will water them with supercharger at about 230ppm. I expect my Rock nutrients will be here tomorrow. I expect to need to water CC and BK Sunday or Monday and plan to feed with Fusion Grow, going to use these as my starting point. 1.5L 1ml Supercharge 1ml Fusion Grow 383ppm Also plan to spray with Absorbalight per Mfg recommendations.
Going to do some soil pH explorations too.

CC Day 29 BK Day 19 BDM Day 3
Temp 78 RH 54
Nice!! The whole grow looks good. Gonna have a cup and get busy!!

8:00AM Watered two BDM 500 ml each aerated filtered tap water, with supercharger 1.1ml / liter ppm 228 pH 6.7

Rock Box arrived! Not wasting any time I immediately mixed up a batch of Absorbalight and sprayed my garden. Let's see haw that goes.

Soil experiment:
Soil experiment today. Very interesting and kind of close to my hypothesis.

Reason for experiment: To determine pH of soil mixture. I have read articles regarding soil pH and methods of correcting it. Want to be sure my soil pH is in the proper range for growing autos. I have also read that depending on the pH of the run off water you can determine soil ph and adjust accordingly.

Hypothesis: It is my belief that the soil mix I use is buffered to adjust to a certain pH regardless of pH of water used, within certain limits.

Method: I mixed my current blend of two parts each of Fox Farms Happy Frog and ProMix Ultimate with one part Perlite. Calibrated my pH meter (needed it, it was .2 to high). I used two 1.25 liter planters with small drain, one gallon of filtered tap water, Hydrofarms pH down solution.
Tested water, 60 F at pH 7.2 Filled two planters with soil mix. Watered first container until run off occurred, continued until 500ml of runoff after 4 minutes. Added 250ml of water and collected runoff. Measured runoff, pH was 6.0. Using pH down brought rest of the unused water to a pH of 4, a bit lower than I wanted but what the heck! Repeated watering sequence on second planter. The collected runoff measured pH 5.8.
Water in at pH 7.2 runoff is pH 6.0 a -1.2 difference. Water in at pH 4.0 runoff is pH 5.8 a +1.8 difference.

Conclusion: Soil is buffered! It will accommodate a wide range of pH water and maintain a pH of about 6.0.

So... I will continue to keep my water pH at 6.8 and water amy plants as usual. The Rock nutrients recommend to use a lower pH so this should work well.
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It's been a good day in the garden!
I have just started using the Rock line of nutrients and only the supercharger and just once today, Absorbalight. Perhaps I have finally tuned up my grow or maybe the Rock stuff helped. Whatever, things are looking swell!! Check out the bits in between the main stem and the leaves!!
Take a look...

CC 1

CC 2

Looking good..I dont use fans area is AC cooled ..pawn shops sell AC so cheep in the winter LOL But the houses central air does the job.

A/C, man it just snowed here. Came out of the market after shopping and there was snow everywhere. The highway was all glare ice, accidents and collisions left and right. They closed the highway about an hour after we got home. Crazy...
It snowing here in northeast as well...i love the girls are looking good
This is an awesome journal. Great job. Your plants look great!
CC Day 30 BK Day 20 BDM Day 4
Temp 77 RH 38
8:30 AM

All is well, the plants look terrific.
Today is the day I have decided to feed them. To 1 L of aftw (aerated, filtered, tap water) pH 7.2 I added 1.1ml Supercharger for 210ppm and 2.0ml of Fusion Grow for 450ppm. total ppm 660. This may be a bit high, but the recommended for this age is 900 - 1000ppm. The pH after adding is 6.6. Each plant received 500ml of this solution. They needed water so I am not forcing the water thing either! (about time I got the water part of this adventure down!!) If things follow as they have been doing, they will need about 1L each by Tuesday or Wednesday and this will be plain aftw pH 6.8. I will feed them again next Sunday.
Nam80232 is using the recommended strength and I am trying to follow his grow with my own using the Rock gear. The BDM girls will be 11 days out of the ground on feeding day, so they too will receive their first feeding. Again this is in keeping with Nam's schedule.
I will be keeping a sharp eye on my girls, let's hope that they grow well and I have not pushed to far. But CC has recovered nicely from what I was sure was certain death and BK is flying along, so this is a real learning experience. I am bound and determined that whatever happens it will be a plus, if they grow, yeah!! If they burn of something else bad that's a plus too because I will be learning!!

@Kman1965 Hey and thanks man! Glad you enjoyed, I know I ramble a bit, but have been enjoying myself and am hoping my record will be a help for others!
@CGR Ya Snow, love hate it, in NE it's definitely a part of life. I love it to, with the exception of shoveling it or driving in it. Really love to watch it out the window with the fireplace going!!!
4:45 PM
Oh Noes... Power just went off. Sitting here reading and out it went. UPS keeping the network going for now, laptop keeping me connected. Oh man, it's like 15 degrees F outside and windy. I put a blanket over the tent, hope it does not last too long or I might be starting a new Journal!!!