New Grower My 1st Grow, A journey...

Beautiful plants dude! Will be keeping my eye on them
Hey Thanks MountainMan! And a big Hey and Welcome to AFN and my little Journal! Great to see you.

CC Day 32 BK day 22 BDM Day 6
6:50 AM
Temp 76 RH 31

Another fine morning here at the wee farm tent! Interesting too in that I neglected to turn on the circulation fan after taking pics last night, (won't do that again), which caused there to be quite the odor when I opened up this morning. A nice warm skunky smell, I was pleased to say the least. A double check of odor control showed good negative air pressure in the tent and no odor at all around it or coming from the exhaust.
CC and BK were a bit lite and the moisture meter reading on the dry side. They each received 1L aftw with 220ppm supercharger pH 5.8. I was told to put the pH at 5.8 with the Rock line of nutrients and my soil blend and that it should make a noticeable difference.
Maybe tonight I will distil the numbers into a spreadsheet and see what I can see.

Edit: RH has been troubling me, these low 30's are fairly dry and would like to see 50-60% or whatever the ideal would be for a grow space. I am in the mood for some DIY, let's see what I can find.
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5:30 PM
Temp 77 RH 38
Ya it starting to smell in there, fans have nothing to do with it, they are getting old enough to smell. I am so psyched!! My girles are growing up.
Everyone received an Absorbalght spritz this evening.
I put two small shoebox sized tubs in the tent with some water in them. The RH cam up a few points, whew. I found an RH controller that will sense and close a relay when to low and open when to hot. I can connect that to a small humidifier and pipe that into the tent. I don't think I will have enough space to put it in the tent.

CC 11-26

11-23 CC

Tonight's pictures are to illustrate two things, one the incredible growth rate of these things. The pics show a 3 day span of time. I know at 30+ days she is way behind the curve here, but she is catching up. Is this growth rate normal? I know I am pushing her a little bit as can be seen from a few burn spots on a couple of tips, but she is lush and green for the most part. I would like to think it is the Rock nutrient line I am now using, especially the root enhancement, supercharger. I was recently told with the Rock stuff to lower the pH to 5.8 which I started this morning when I watered. Not having the previous experience of any growing, I have nothing to compare it to. Oh and I am not planning on changing either.
Two, is anyone as captivated by the sheer beauty of these things as I am? I find that I love to look at the closeups. The arc of the leaves and the symmetry, the coloration, everything!!! I wish I knew the names of all the parts, rest assured I will soon enough though!
Plants looks super great. Great photo work btw. Internet;s awesome i wont have to write notes oh the rock farm supplements, cause its well written here... book mark.
CC Day 33 BK day 23 BDM Day 7
5:50 AM
Temp 77 RH 74
Another day dawns in my grow. Nothing to exciting to report. All looks swell, growth is evident, they look healthy and happy. The addition of the water in the small tubs has made about +8-12 point difference in the RH so that's a good thing.

@Panic, thanks for the kind words. I am working with someone on the nutrients and expect good things. Working out a spreadsheet to capture the data in one place to make it easier to track. I just need a little free time, a precious commodity these days. :peace:
7:00 PM
Temp 78 RH 40
Changed light dark period. Added 2 hrs more light. My stuff seems to be slow compared to some. Maybe more light time...
Watered all four tonight 1L aftw pH 5.8 220 ppm Supercharger each. They seem to be drying out rather quickly. I hope I am not back to my old heavy handed ways with the water! Other than that they all look pretty good and are growing nicely and making good progress.
No pics tonight, took some for the record though. Getting ready for turkey and family tomorrow!
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8:00 AM Happy Thanksgiving, Journal!!
CC Day 34 BK day 24 BDM Day 8
Temp 74 RH 44
Things look good this morning. They took the watering well. Does not look like I over watered, whew, leaves look healthy, pointing up and reaching for the light, no droop. Looking forward to see how they react to a dose of fusion grow. I will feed on Sunday, 7 days from the last feeding and will have the pH at recommended 5.8. CC liked it for the most part last time with just the slightest amount of a few tips burnt, BK looked like she wanted more!!
Purchased 5 Pyramid Seeds Tutenkhamen! WhooHoo!! I am getting carried away as usual!
Ordered an RH controller, will build the temp and rh controller set-up when it arrives. Should be a good project.
hey man! read the first page of your journal and LOL'd at the cat eating your baby girl. I just read your whole journal and found it damn interesting and bookmarked it. I also have to lay off the water but I'm growing in coco and no nutrients yet after day 10. BTW, I'm a yank stuck in AUS and growing 2 plants here is only a civil slap on the wrist so I decided to grow my own coz it's damn expensive here. 80 bucks for a quarter oz.

Wishing you good luck with your grow and I'll be following intently!
7;00 PM
Temp 74 RH 41
Well, I'm stuffed with turkey with all the fixins and warm in my soul from family... Nice day.
Spent some time with my girls, I am well satisfied with how they look, nice and green and happy. I decided to try to start a bit of LST. I have been advised it may be a bit early. I made some little fixtures out of 12ga copper wire from a bit of romex. Kind of a bent sheperd's crook, you can see them in the pics. I used them to bend it slightly so there is a bit of a bow to the main stem. They seem to be tolerating it well. We'll see how they look in the morning.

Still love looking at them here's a close-up of the center of CC

Biodiesel Mass

CC Here she is with the beginning of my first attempt at LST, the wire is white.

BK with her LST start, it's the black wire.
Looking good wwwillie, I wanted to stop by and look at you journal after you commented on mine.. You my friend write a textbook example of what a journal should be! Keep it up and I think you will have some really really awesome plants at the end of your grow..

I remember you looking at my plants pics and where they are saying you couldn't wait til yours got to where mine were, well I cant wait to see yours either now because you are in my opinion doing a much better job than I did.. Those plants are looking great. Im jealous. Keep it up though man and I am sure you will for sure be amazed at what you end up with.. Wonderful job with the plants and you knocked this journal out of the park. HOMERUN!!!
5:30 AM
CC Day 35 BK day 25 BDM Day 9
Temp 78 RH 64
Tragedy narrowly averted!!
Last night, just before retiring for the night, I decided to check on the grow tent. Something I usually do not do, I was like I think I'll go down and look at the girls, and then, nah I'll just go up to bed. Well going to check won out, and boy am I glad it did. The power cord had somehow come loose and there was no power to the tent!! None, bupkis, nada!!! The temp was 58, yowch. I plugged it all back in and secured the main extension cord with a nylon zip tie. When I checked a bit later all was back to normal.
Man I could have lost everything...
Nice morning, the lights were not yet on due to the timer being off for a bit. I turned the lights on and re-set to the correct time on the timer. It was warm and moist and dark, this tells me the nights are in good shape temp and RH wise. The temp in the basement was about 58 at this time,
Everyone received a good spritz of absorbalight, pH 5.8.

@AKA Zipperhead WOW thanks man, thanks! I so appreciate the feedback. I was telling my wife that writing this was a good exercise. It is difficult to come up with something to write at times so it helps me focus on the grow. What I need to do is condense the data so I can easily see what I did last like fertilize, water, etc.
Here's to growing, man, Peace "DubV's Peace"
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