New Grower My 1st Grow, A journey...

8:00 PM
Temp 78 RH 34
Good day today, nice progress, All the girls are doing well especially BDM
BDM at 9 Days
Looking very nice wwwillie! Can't wait to see your BDM grow! It's like looking into the future compared to my one day old sprout.
CC Day 36 BK day 26 BDM Day 10
Temp 80 RH 31
Good morning gardeners!! Just went and had a look, now sitting with a cup, Mmmmm. Plotting the days garden business. I Think it a good day to haul it all out and clean and re-organize. Stuff is growing well and I need to get it clean and tidy while I still can.
Thinking about my DinaFem critical Cheese AKA CC, She is 36 Days, over 5 weeks old today. Looks more like three weeks I don't think she had a good beginning with my over watering, cat eating it and all. Starting the root tonic - supercharger seemed to be when she started doing well, then the addition of fusion grow and here we are looking like a real girl, just a few weeks retarded in development. It will be intersting to me to see at what point she finishes or if the stress of early life pushes her hermie.
9:00 PM
Temp 77 RH 38
Busy day in the tent today. Took some time and cleaned it re-arranged the wiring and general tidying. Looks great!!
I fed everyone today, a day early, but they needed water. Can you imagine that!!! They needed water! Who is this guy. When I had them out while I cleaned I notice one of the BDM looked a little droopy and the pot felt very light.This was about Noon today. I mixed up aftw with 1.2ml supercharge and and 1.5ml fusion grow. This resulted in 220ppm supercharge and 340ppm fusion grow it was pH'd to 5.8. I mixed in 1L batches and was fairly consistent throughout. I watered until I saw runoff which came to about 1.8L per pot. With my setup and RH it seemed I was not watering enough perhaps and they were drying out very quickly. When I went to put them to bed tonight I notice CC looking a bit droopy in spots so I decided to feed CC and BK tonight. Yeah, so I still fret about not enough water so I guess I know this guy! I mixed up the same as earlier 1.3ml supercharger, 1.5ml fusion grow, pH 5.8. Gave them each about 1.5L each.
I really hope I am not pushing things too hard. the BDMs seemed to like it OK at 9 hours later they are perky and no longer droopy, no sign of burn yet... Prolly to darned early for that. We'll see how everyone looks in the morning.
I think CC may be maturing, perhaps showing sex with some preflowers. I don't know but can anyone else venture an opinion?
That looks like a hair not a mean set of balls. Looks good though. Looks good the tips are good. Green but not too green. Good work.
CC Day 37 BK day 27 BDM Day 11
Temp 76 RH 38
An uneventful morning, nothing much to report. That's a good thing, I fed and watered everybody last night and have been worried about it ever since! Everyone looks fine and perky, no droopy, nothing looking burnt. So I think I just leave them be to themselves and
Let Them Grow
Morning comes, she follows the path to the river shore,
Lightly sung, her song is the latch on the mornings door.
See the sun sparkle in the reeds, silver beads, pass into the sea.

She comes from a town where they call her the woodcutters daughter,
Shes brown as the bank where she kneels down to gather her water, and
She bears it away with a love that the river has taught her.

Let it flow, greatly grow, wide and clear.

Round and round, the cut of the plow in the furrowed field,
Seasons round, the bushels of corn and the barley meal,
Broken ground, open and beckoning to the spring,
Black dirt live again!
The plowman is broad as the back of the land he is sowing,
As he dances the circular track of the plow ever knowing
That the work of his day measures more than the planting and growing

Let it grow, let it grow, greatly yield.

What shall we say, shall we call it by a name,
As well to count the angels dancing on a pin.
Water bright as the sky from which it came,
And the name is on the earth that takes it in.
We will not speak but stand inside the rain,
And listen to the thunder shouting I am! I am! I am! I am.

Nothin more, the love of the women, work of men.
Seasons round, creatures great and small, up and down as we rise and fall.

Grateful Dead
8:00 PM
Temp 79 RH 48
Hey Nomis, I pulled the wire widgets off for now. Folks were right it was too soon. It did prove to me it would be doable and the plants responded well, I think they nee a week or two more. BK my photo may need some other work done too like topping, but I am not sure where to go with her just yet. Thanks man, appreciate you checking in.

Stayed away for as much of the day as I could stand! I added a humidifier to the tent, found I had room after I tidy'd it up a bit. Hope this helps get a handle on the RH thing. I did order an RH controller, that should be here soon I will pair it with the temp controller and hope to keep things steady in there.
It's been 32 hours since I gave the BDM's their first feeding and they seem to be eating it up, pun intended. They really look good and seem to have grown! It's been 24 hrs since CC and BK received their second feeding and they look good too, maybe just the smallest amount of tip burn on one or two leave on CC, I will lower the dosage next time for her. All in all though I believe it was a success.
I made a photo log of the three plants one to a log, it is amazing how they have grown. made an album of BDM on my profile page here too.
Here are tonight's...
The Grow

BDM - Wow!! 11 days old today!

BK my photo beastie

CC I am pretty sure these are her pre-flowers!!