8:00 PM
Temp 79 RH 49
The humidifier is working, looks like the low setting gives me about 15-20 points of additional humidity. This will probably help things a bit. The RH controller came today too. If I have time I'll hook everything up tomorrow and see how it all works. If it works well I case them up into an official device. I still have a strong desire to do the Arduino thing, at least for measuring moisture levels in the pots.
I don't know, is it the nutrients, or what, have I passed the danger zone of seedling? They are growing very nicely. CC and BK look really nice, but one of the BDM is really great and looks to me like what other, more experienced folk, post!
Wouldn't be my journal with out a few pics, so here they are.
BDM... dang!
BK my photo girl.
CC my fragile beauty...
Crap, why can't mine look that good?!