New Grower My 1st Grow, A journey...

8:00 PM
Temp 79 RH 49
The humidifier is working, looks like the low setting gives me about 15-20 points of additional humidity. This will probably help things a bit. The RH controller came today too. If I have time I'll hook everything up tomorrow and see how it all works. If it works well I case them up into an official device. I still have a strong desire to do the Arduino thing, at least for measuring moisture levels in the pots.
I don't know, is it the nutrients, or what, have I passed the danger zone of seedling? They are growing very nicely. CC and BK look really nice, but one of the BDM is really great and looks to me like what other, more experienced folk, post!
Wouldn't be my journal with out a few pics, so here they are.
BDM... dang!

BK my photo girl.

CC my fragile beauty...

Crap, why can't mine look that good?!
CC Day 40 BK Day 30 BDM Day 14
Temp 79 RH 54
When I put them to be last night I was not happy to see the beginning of something happening. Not knowing enough about what it may be is frustrating. I am proceeding with my initial thought that it is cal/mag deficiency. To that end I watered with 500ml each a solution of aftw, 200ppm supercharger, and 160ppm cal/mag at pH5.9. They also received a spray of Absorbalight. Although they really did not need a watering hence the 500ml, but they are far from wet either so I am hoping it is a good amount and enough to give them what they need. Will post some pics this evening.
Overall things are looking very nice and growing well, I hope I am reading them correctly and providing what is needed to prevent further degradation.
@Detroithaze, thanks again, There are 8 23w CFLs in the tent now. Mostly over the babies, but close enough to the others.

Remember, don't hesitate to give me a call so we can figure out what the issue is before it gets worse. Fixing an issue quick is the key to not slowing the girls down. Chasing a problem once it is worse is a paint in the dick.
cotyledons are drooping and actually cupping under a bit. They are a lighter color green almost yellow, CC and BK are showing this tendency but not quite as much. Any ideas?
Hey wwwillie,
My opinion is that these plants look pretty good - cupping leaves from one day to the next is normal - as long as it is not going for on for days/weeks. It is nowhere near clawing.
Cotyledons are not that important after the plants gets its first nodes / true leaves - they are the first energy collectors while the new roots go down - that's what they are for...and they often come out of the husk scratched, deformed - also quite normal.
One thing I've learned on AFN is that less is more. Be very careful with treating for deficiencies without being absolutely sure they exist - you may end up with more problems than you actually had - ask one of the experts - I'm a newbie here too.
Fresh lime green growth is a good sign - they are growing fast and it takes a while for the leaf to produce all the chlorophyll needed in a mature leaf to photosynthesize fully. You've also got a couple of different strains and phenotypes - they are all individuals.
Taken me years to learn to let plants do their own thing. I really appreciate the care you take with your grow journal - and you'll be surprised how much you can get right just by watching and waiting - these are tough plants and yours look like they want to grow!

You have both LED and CFL's in your cab right? As far as I know plants with just an LED are the ones that get cal/mag deficiencies - having both kinds of light sources means you have a fuller spectrum of light - maybe getting a light expert to tell you about this would ease your mind a little.

I think you are right on track there dude! Looking good!

Sometimes I think I am out of my depth here - so all my info needs to be taken with
a pinch of my own my enthusiasm...
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what is the link to the audrino stuff? have a big interest in that stuff. BTW the plant is looking real good.
8:00 PM
Temp 76 RH 56
Thank all truly appreciate the input!
I think they look good really but like DetroitHaze said getting this stuff early is key. I am worrying overmuch I am sure...
Don't know if my watering this morning had any affect. Doesn't look like they were hurt though!

Here is a pic of what I am referring to.

The grow room

BK The bushy girl!

CC, looking good at last, well she's been pretty good for a while now. Really photo tropic too.

BDM at 14 days W00t!!
8:00 PM
Temp 76 RH 56
Here is a pic of what I am referring to.

See what you mean there - not very knowledgeable about deficiencies.
Maybe turn of your LED lights for the photos - I would be worried
about making a diagnosis from the photos with them on - they play
havoc with the colors in a digital camera. Do you have mixed CFL's
or just one kind? The blues ones are like daylight and the reds are
incandescent - even better if you can do some shots in real day light.

It's easier for the experts (not me!) to make an accurate assessment.
Your photos are really good - but with the LED lights they
get a slight pinkish/purple tinge.
CC Day 41 BK Day 31 BDM Day 15
Temp 79 RH 59
Morning all! Garden looks good. Don not see much of a change, if any, and I am calling that progress. Reading up on it and seeing a similar situation happen to another grow, I still think cal/mag with maybe Nitrogen; this was suggested elsewhere. Could be due to pH, I am careful to have all of my solutions at pH5.8 so now I fear my meter is out of calibration and pH has been creeping up on me. I don't have anymore 7.0 solution to calibrate with...
Thing is this is happening slowly so no need to try to do to much right now. I need to exercise patience, more good growth going on than bad things happening. It needs to be addressed, but I know that, and I am by doing research and asking for help. Thanks folks.
Hey Otto, trying to boost my flash to the point it over rides the LED color then I made a few adjustments to color balance. It's a Nikon D50 with an old Vivitar flash, but using manual settings and all I think the colors are fairly true. But you are correct about the cast of the shadows. I plan on taking them out for a photo session Saturday.
Awesome, Willie! Maybe I could send ya some of my tap water from the well. Consistent 7.5! LOL!

:karma Cloud::slap:

8:00 PM
Temp 80 RH 54

OMG I am obsessing again, somebody stop me!
I am seeing every disease in the book on my poor girls, arghhh... Actually I still see the slightly lighter color in the center of the leave, and now I think I see some slight clawing on CC. CC is the more sensitive of the bunch so she would show it first. So my suspects ar cal/mag followed by Nitrogen toxicity due to the clawing. I do not think the clawing is due to over watering...
Now of course I can clearly see that the rest of the plants are going gangbusters.
Please take a look at tonight's photographs with an eye towards what I think I am seeing. Following Otto's suggestion I shut off the LED for the pics in order to get a better or at least more accurate color rendition.

Here's the top of CC, I am still loving how cool the plants look in close up, really quite cool I think.

The little BDM

BDM, Big Sister

CC, please notice a few "clawed" leaves.

BK, the Big Bushy!

Hey TX, thanks man appreciate the offer, just bought some 7.0 calibration fluid, shoulda asked you first!! LOL
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Any time Willie! Can't get cheaper than free!! LOL!!!