New Grower My 1st Grow, A journey...

CC Day 42 BK Day 32 BDM Day 16
Temp 77 RH 59

Still obsessed, just had a night to sleep on it, heavy sigh.. Just before going to bed last night I flashed on a thought... Maybe nothing wrong with CC, she was just needing a drink. I gave her 500 ml of plain aftw pH 5.8 and this morning she looks better. In my push to not over-water I may be going too far and not watering enough! I will water the rest with 500 ml of plain aftw at pH5.8 this AM and an absorbalight spray for all but CC
8:00 PM

BK The bushy girl!

Look at those leaves!! cant wait to see how this one turns out
I am no expert but, it looks ok. I have seen some pics from some of the veteran growers, some of their pictures have similar looking fan leaves. Worse case drop a post in the infirmary, if you haven't already.
W's- :tiphat: Better to worry a bit much than delve in complacent ignorance brother! The only thing I see, that bronzing discoloration, smacks of Ca-Mg defc., early symptoms, of the most common prob's in autos.... my CC was a bit twitchy with this too, but responded very well to treatment with dedicated Ca-Mg supp' (don't use the kind that has N in it as well); I like General Organics, but there are other good ones too; also, foliar spraying is the very best way to go for rapid uptake...this is true for anything you spray via foliar... In a pinch, you can use molasses (brer rabbit is the best; more nute's in it), about 1 tsp/qt, spray top and bottom of leaves...something else that is very handy and even essential for foliar is a water spreader/wetting agent; this is a non-reactive surfactant that takes the surface tension out of the solution you're spraying, causing it to sheet on the surface, instead of beading up; basically, the more surface area covered, the more gets absorbed! :thumbs: Otherwise, for maintenance, include it with your regular fert's...
I do see a bit of clawing on the older leaves, but nothing serious,... don't let the soil get too dry, keep it nice and evenly moist... what happens is, when the soil gets dry, the relative concentration of dissolved nute's in there goes up; if there's lots of nute's in there, right on the edge of being too much, this effect from dryer soil can tip the scales the wrong way...... the rest look great! nice job, mate... nutrition with auto's is a tricky because the different strains ahve different tolerances... what can stunt and burn one kind may hardly bother another! The learning curve for auto's is far steeper than photos, bro', and it's good on some levels that you sweat the details, but try not to get carried away! Worry effectively! LMAO!! ...ask questions, show pics , research, get some good books,.... :smokeit: Cheers! "AFN smoke out"
8:00 PM
Temp 77 RH 61
Good evening everyone! Cannot tell you all how much your comments and instructive words mean to me. It's what I love about this place! Panic and DABaracuss, thanks man! waira. the comment about the watering... Makes a lot of sense. What nutrients are there are concentrated by the amount of moisture available. IE: 1L = 100ppm the same amount in 500ml = 200ppm. I need to keep that in mind.
The growlooks good, the watering this morning made a difference, they all perked up. This leads me to believe that either they were thirsty and/or the concentration of available nutrients is higher than should be due to lower moisture.
Ah well lotsa supposing, still stressed and obsessed (hey that could be my new nick Wwwillie AKA stressed and obsessed!). At least though I am not attempting to do all sorts of different things, as is my natural inclination. I hope I am starting to get in sync with the pace of their growth, taking it slow as it were.
There is a leaf on BK that is looking poorly, hope that the cal-mag addition will turn that around and I'll put a stop to this. I am still leaning strongly on the cal-mag deficiency I am using Earth Juice Cal-N-Mag I will add it to each feed at about .5 ml to 1L (need to figure ppms).

BK and the burnt leaf

BK looking bushy as usual.

BDM looking so big at 16 days!!

CC (Sorry about the sideways, 20 minutes of my life I won't get back!)

The Grow
Last edited:
CC Day 43 BK Day 33 BDM Day 17
Temp 77 RH 58

Girls are happy it seems, then so must I be. As I look over the garden it occurs to me just how well it is growing. CC is dainty but well formed, BK is bushy to say the least, the BDM are exceeding my expectations. Still worried about the browning leave but again am thinking cal-mag. On rereading waira's post I noticed the no N part of the cal-mag and checked my EarthJuice and it had 3-0-0 so that went back on the shelf and I purchased Hydrofarm GH5312 CaMg+ that has "a blend of fermented calcium and magnesium complexed with organic acids and sugar chelates" to suppliment with, it has no N so I can add it into my regimen.
Speaking of regimens, I think the Rock nutrients are fairly responsible for the rapiid growth. Although I really have nothing to compare to, looking back through the photos and journal to the 21st when I started using them things were going OK but not as well as I think they are now.
Thinking about lighting. I have four plants and the one LED, it's a Chinese "blackstar" clone 240 watt model. Currently using that and my 8 bulb CFL. I was thinking about putting the LED in the center and build another CFL 8 and have the CFL 8s on either side. That would give me 16 CFL at 23Watt each and the 180 watt (actual) for 580 watt total. That should cover the 4 nicely.

:smokebuds:You're welcome W's! Good spot on the Ca-Mg supp'....the reason I mentioned N-free stuff is often N is the culprit behind clawing, so of course adding more in a supp' is :stoneslap:! Otherwise, they make a fine product... Yeah, the feemented sugar base stuff is great,.... The soil herd loves it too, so everybody happy! Give the plants another couple days to adjust, and skip the nute's meantime too...let'm snack on what's there for a bit, then next fert' rouind, dial the conc. back some, and see how they react...keep in mind, young/small plants don't draw as heavy as bigger ones, so even at partial strength conc. stuff can accumulate over time.... ramp up gradually from there out; riding the edge of what they can take can be dicey, only experience dials it in! Don't I know first ever round got cooked med.-well! ***** Lights? ...I got nuth'! LAMO!! ...I'm an outdoor guy...
7:30 PM
Temp 77 RH 54
Well I managed to accomplish my goal for today! My goal was to leave them alone!! Let me tell you that was hard work too!!!
I finally looked in on them and they look good, the burnt bits are still burnt but things have not progressed to the bad, so that is a net positive. I will be adding the cal n mag tomorrow with my watering, but no other nutrients for this week. At least that's the plan for now.
I raised the lights again, they are growing!! Also took a shot at "supercropping" or damaging the stem tissue a bit by pinching and/or bending until it snaps slightly. It will repair itself and a knot forms at the site. This is supposed to increase the flower on the stem that receives the treatment. I did it to only one spot to see what will happen. This is the fun part, well other than imbibing the finished product!!:smoke:
OK I also have a problem. They are beginning to have a strong smell and they are still quite immature yet too. The filter is working well and the environment inside the tent has been stable as well. The problem comes when I open up the tent to work on or just to admire them. The other half let me know she could smell it clearly all the way on the other side of the house and boy she was not happy about that. Suggestions?
7:30 PM
Temp 77 RH 54
Well I managed to accomplish my goal for today! My goal was to leave them alone!! Let me tell you that was hard work too!!!
I finally looked in on them and they look good, the burnt bits are still burnt but things have not progressed to the bad, so that is a net positive. I will be adding the cal n mag tomorrow with my watering, but no other nutrients for this week. At least that's the plan for now.
I raised the lights again, they are growing!! Also took a shot at "supercropping" or damaging the stem tissue a bit by pinching and/or bending until it snaps slightly. It will repair itself and a knot forms at the site. This is supposed to increase the flower on the stem that receives the treatment. I did it to only one spot to see what will happen. This is the fun part, well other than imbibing the finished product!!:smoke:
OK I also have a problem. They are beginning to have a strong smell and they are still quite immature yet too. The filter is working well and the environment inside the tent has been stable as well. The problem comes when I open up the tent to work on or just to admire them. The other half let me know she could smell it clearly all the way on the other side of the house and boy she was not happy about that. Suggestions?

I fully understand your issue with the smell, really the only thing I can personally suggest is setting up an ONA bucket somewhere between you and the misses. The ONA is a fantastic masker but I wouldn't want the fan from the ONA bucket on and too close to my plants since the ONA is strong and can affect the taste of your buds.

Don't know if I can post external links in the forum here but if you just google 'DIY ONA Bucket' you will find a bunch of super helpful tutorials and how to set one up. I also strongly suggest the Fresh Linen ONA scent over the original.

Best of luck and the girls look great! My BDM has been curing for about 2 months now and is delicious, you're gunna love it!