New Grower My 1st Grow, A journey...

"I don't have a clue and don't think it will hurt." - not a good approach that !

No way you should be foliar feeding seedlings bloom, or anything yet !

Truly, which speaks to the despondence and desperation I was feeling at the time. Actually I did not want to post that in my public journal... Kinda embarrassing to say the least, was for my personal reference. I do appreciate the input, hopefully time will tell.

Yea Looks like the soil was hot..I mix FFHF and FFOF 1-1 for a light soil..You should need to feed them anything for a bit...Molasses is what i use at this myco hurds food and sugars for the plant..Think If the soil has stuff in it already then you adding more on top of it..gona get stunted growth and tip burn..Transplant may help but the roots are still in the HOT soil and growing slowly ..I would give some root stim..thrive or b1 or jellyfish..something to help get the roots out of that hot soil...I had the same problem with my very first grow and some hot seed starter...I run my temps with my LED at 80 .good luck ..You can PM any admin or High Team member or Best to start HERE for faster help :High 5:
Hospital / Infirmary for Sick Plants
Thanks man, that is why I choose to mix the two and add perlite and flush the soil a bit. I will see if I can find one of the remedies you mentioned. I'll stop at the local shop tomorrow! This is why I love this place all you great folks helpin' out a person so!

I would not water them again for at least 14 days unless your cooking them with surrounding temps, that is a lot for such a small plant, a serious lot.
They won't be seeing water or much of me either for a while. Out of the two gallons of water I poured through about 1 1/2, 1 1/4 gallon came back through, I wanted to flush the soil a bit before transplanting. It is my intention to LEAVE THEM BE for a while. Better for both of us I think!!

Do you have your led on plus also all that cfl? ..... Wow lol
Yes I do... LED is at 32" and the CFLs are at 6"

OK back to the grow.
CC day 20 BK day 10
Temp 77 RH 55

They are still alive! They look ok, I just took a quick peek to see the tmp and RH and if they made it through since the transplant. Now I will leave them alone until tomorrow night. Maybe some pics then too!!

A big shout out to everyone reading along and helping me out!! Thanks so much, I cannot express well enough how much it means to me!!!
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Looking good man! I gotta get off this site before my beans end up"magically" germinating on me.
@C Grow Smitiano Thanks for the kind words on my bit of DIY lighting!! And the encouragement too.
@theduder Thanks, if this stuff will teach me anything it's patience!!

CC day 21 BK day 11
Temp 78 RH 55

Not dead yet...

Temp 78 RH 52
11:00 PM
Grabbed some pics and I see definite improvement and growth in both plants WooHoo real progress.



Real progress folks, Growth I can see and if you notice from the pics the light green is actually receding a bit. The transplant seems to be a success, so lets see how I can do from here. Still going to wait to put the BioDesiel Mass beans in, going to order up some stone dragon too, perhaps I'll wait until they get here and put in one of each. My capacity is four plants in this set-up. I do want to be sure I am on the right track before I commit any more beans to the project. So much to learn...
CC Day 21 BK Day 11
Temp 78 RH 48

Put a gallon of water through the two empty smartpots that are waiting for sprouts. 1 to add some humidity and 2 flush the soil a bit more.
Girls look OK

Temp 78 RH 42
Things look ok. Progress noticeable on both. Hard not to fuss and muss with them.
Here is an observation... Root stuff like superthrive, etc. I have seen several grow logs that mention using this; whats up? Is this something I am missing? Just curious.
Looking good, WWW - good to hear the Ladies are back on track!

I'm pretty new to this, as well - its a heck of a learning curve, hey?

A couple of lessons I've learned - from my current grows, and my first which after more than 100 days, didn't have a happy ending!

If you're growing in soil - it will be the principle building block of success or failure. Invest some time into mixing and cooking that building block, and you remove many of the potentials for failure down the road.

I opted for an organic soil mix (details are in the first post of my signature link) - its about as simple as it gets, but has made things pretty simple - as other than a high P bat guano tea, a few drops of organic GH Bio Bud, and a few drops of molasses - all I've needed to add was PH'ed tap water.

None of my ladies will be monsters - but looking after them is about as easy as it gets in this kind of cultivation. No nutrients or chemicals to mix - no ratios, formulas or tables to follow - just simple, clean weed.

I think the most surprising lesson I've learned is that less really is more. If you think it might be too soon for supplements - then it probably is. If the top two inches of top soil isn't bone dry, and her lowest leaves don't have a bit of thirsty droop - then she doesn't need a drink. If she isn't showing you an obvious deficiency - then she probably doesn't need anything but her soil and an infrequent drink.

I'm finding it really is just that simple.

Thats not to say its boring - or uninteresting by any stretch, though. When your ladies are a few weeks older you could LST them, if you've a mind. I think I spent pretty close to an hour, this morning - carefully pinning down shoots and bud sites on my Bubbleicious. She loves the attention, now that she has a few weeks behind her - but they really can be sensitive to over attention before they get their legs under them. Again - less is sometimes a whole lot more - ha ha!

Anyway, my friend - I'm wishing you great luck and a whole lot of :karma Cloud:!
One complete and successful grow under your belt and you will look back at the beginning of your first one and wonder - what the heck was I doing?
Or at least - that was exactly how it went for me - ha ha!

I'd advise saving your best beans until you have that first successful and completed grow under your belt.
CC Day 22 BK Day12
Temp 82 RH 43

Progress has been made visible on BK not so on CC. Comparing pics tonight should help.(Edit, clearly some nice progress was made!!) Raised CFL four clicks ont the ratchet hanger. Need to measure actual distance.
Made up 3 gallons filtered water, initial Ph 7.6 used ph down to drops per gallon to get 6.7, 6.8. Purchased pump and airstones and will run that in the jug of water.



It's not obvious from the pics but the CC is so tiny compared to BK. Next pics I'll include something for scale. There really is a big difference...
I am of the mind that I should be successful if I start the next two beans. Tonight I will put two BioDiesel Mass into a cup of water to get them started.

Temp 78 RH 41

Looking good! BK especially although CC shows progress too.
Watered tonight, about 8oz each. Both pots were quite dry and light. I watered around the stems about 2-21/2 inches away from them. Did not look like I watered them at all!! Can anyone tell me if there is a specific way to water the smart pot?

Put two Biodiesel Mass beans in a cup of water and placed that on the heat mat. I have two 3 gal smart pots waiting... Here we go again!!

@Guerrilla_in_the_mist, Thanks! for the advice, kind words, and encouragement!! Oh and I will be saving some nice ones for later, for sure!
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CC Day 23 BK Day13
Temp 78 RH 47
7:00 PM
Busy day, put those two beans in the soil, one had already cracked and showing a tiny bit of white tap root. Made a hole with a pencil about 1/4 - 3/8" deep and dropped them in covered lightly. The soil was damp already so I misted lightly with ph'd water. Covered them with bowls (should I have? trying to keep moisture in...)
CC and BK are doing well, although CC is still looking ab it burnt and pale, she is really quite delicate I guess. Both plants are growing under fairly identical conditions.


CC Day 24 BK Day14
Temp 78 RH 54
7:00 AM

Reading about Rock Nutrients on Nam80232's grow. Ordered up some supercharger a few days ago.
Girls looking good, CC is three 23 days old, not very big for that age! BK is two weeks old and looks OK for that age could be a bit larger.
SuperCharger arrived, mixed up 1 liter using a tad over 1ml/1ltr to get a ppm of 232 pretty close to Nam80232's 228. pH at 6.8 using aerated filtered tap water. Watered each with .5ltr of this solution.
Also ordered a Rock Box starter kit, going to follow in Nam80232's foot steps and see what I can do!

7:00 PM
Temp 78 RH 53

Looks like I have temps and RH fairly stable at last. Now I need to conquer pH of the soil. More research needed on this, followed a thread where it was discussed. Using their formula, I think it may be low.
I think they have perked up a bit from the Rock SuperCharger. We'll see I suppose. BK is doing great I think, CC, well I don't know. Not giving up that's for sure. The Biodeiesel Mass has not shown up yet. First time (of all of three times) right to soil.


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Hey WWWillie,

It seems to me you have identified one issue that you have yourself - fussing over the plants.

I know how hard it is to just let them be - but I agree with Gorilla in the Mist - when they
are new, as long as your soil mix is not too hot (ferts) and kept moist, they have enough light
and air then you'll be fine. One plant (CC?) looks quite badly burnt and you have parchment like
leaves - also you seem to have some burn signs starting on the next set of leaves.
I'd leave any supplements and nutes until they have started reaching upwards.

The BK(?) looks fine - hold back on the nutes - these are still really young plants.

My new beans I planted under glass bowls - the bowl comes off as soon as they pop -
otherwise they don't get enough oxygen and can act like a magnifying glass.

You should be fine if you don't hit the fert bottle too much! The CC definitely
needs time to recover - you are more likely to kill than cure trying to correct the
problem with supplements!

I'm a newbie but have a few grows behind me - hope this helps!

Hey Otto,
Thanks for the nice reply. Ya can't stay away, although I am getting better at not messing about. Watering, fertilizing, etc, etc, etc.
CC is DinaFem Critical Cheese auto and BK is Humbolt Bubba Kush photo.
I only used a wee bit one time, I gave them a spray of 1/5 strength FF Big Bloom that I had made up for some houseplants. I was mixing it up and well... they were there. Other than that no other nutes have been used. I did use the Rock supercharger, I was under the impression it was a root tonic, I saw it used on plants as young as three days. CC especially was abused, my cat chewed and pulled it out when it was a few days old as a seedling and a few other things. I don't plan on any nutes yet for sure, at least for CC, it still looking burnt. The interesting thing is both plants are under as identical conditions as I can make them. The difference is striking, BK looks great and CC, as you noticed, looks a bit burnt, even on the new tips.
I am using the plastic domes from cakes I bought at the market. I get these nice heavy plastic domes AND a cake. Nice deal!!

CC Day 25 BK Day15
Temp 77 RH 52
7:00 AM

Looking OK, still no BDM showing. Patience, it's only been a day or two...

6:00 PM
Temp 77 RH 50
Looking good, still no BDM showing, rrrrr hard to wait. CC slow going, BK doing quite well.
Went to take my daily photos and W00t, one of the BDM (BioDiesel Mass) beans has popped up!!


BK 1

BK 2