New Grower My 1st Grow, A journey...

CC Day 26 BK Day 16 BDM Day 0
Temp 72 RH 48
6:00 AM

Got pretty cold last night, lower twentys, Brrrrr... Tent got down to 68 so that's pretty good, a good range I think, 77 during the day and 68 at night, the lights are set so they are off at night too.
W00t the second BioDiesel Mass showed up this morning, so both seeds popped! They went from a 12 hr soak right into the pots they will call home. Just hope the soil is not too hot. Should be fine tho. They are covered right now with plastic domes to help retain moisture and keep the RH up a bit for their fisrt few days. I plan to follow Nam80232's grow with Rock gear so they will get some supercharger root tonic at three days, the pots should be ready for water by then too.
This should fill my tent. Four 3 gal should be perfect and have lots of room to grow in. My only concern is BK, she is a photo. I'll probably buils a flowering cab for her so as to get the right lighting schedule going. I did not count on falling for these auto girls!!
The interesting thing is both plants are under as identical conditions as I can make them. The difference is striking, BK looks great and CC, as you noticed, looks a bit burnt, even on the new tips.
I am using the plastic domes from cakes I bought at the market. I get these nice heavy plastic domes AND a cake. Nice deal!!

Hey WWWillie!

I don't think you have any major probs - but the yield may be low on the CC...

The phenotypes in autos can be very unstable - such short life spans - I quite like
that uncertainty - adds a bit of spice (cake!) to life.

Get the cats some catnip - otherwise they'll eat your plants if they fancy them - start
rolling in your buckets even - but if they get outdoors they'll also bring nasty pests
with them - if you can keep away completely it would be ideal.
Or trade the cats for a dog! (sorry not a big cat fan!)

Uuuummmhhhh!!!! Cake!

OK yea you def got something going on in the soil area ..I bet the root system is very small..few soil tips! 35-45 days is how long you should cook soil before uses..when I say cook I mean let it sit in 75-80 temp after adding all your goodies..then water with molasses 1nce a week..this will get you myco hurds going eating and growing ..Then you are set for a great start...check out TLO for dummies..Or you can just get a really Light soil like a promix and feed it all it need through the hole grow..its up to you ..take about 1 year to get your own grow style.:stylez rasta smoke:
..take about 1 year to get your own grow style.:stylez rasta smoke:

Hey DABaracuss,

After 3 years I thought I had everything sorted - started with outdoor PS - beginners luck - went brill - first autos also great. This year has been a bit of a disaster on both fronts - I think sometimes things just go tits up. I reckon WWWillie will be okay - he/she started learning from the pro's earlier than I did!

Mixing things up a bit tonight.

My grow tent and it residents

This is how things look tonight. The blue thing is a gallon water jug cap for a size reference. In the back row are the BDMs that just popped in their recycled cake box domes. I am very happy with them, so far in their short lives. They are showing the first set of leaves after the cotyledons and look happy. CC is the front right and BK the left. They look good, if a bit small. They are both reaching up towards the lights. Notice how dry the tops of the pots seem, boy am I proud of my self control and the fact that I think I am learning to water them successfully!
The temp was 77 but the RH was a low 36. I am concerned, it had been holding well in the middle. It is a good bit colder and dryer weather wise. If this is going to be a trend I need to think of a better way to humidify. Open to suggestions should anyone care to share.

@DABaracuss Thanks for checking up on me man!! Totally appreciated. Thanks for the soil tips, have added them to my files. Here I am thinking that it should be good outa the sack. The more I think about it though, the more sense it makes. Prep it, cook it, feed it. Simple. Find a recipe that suits and you should be good to go. I will work on that when the weather warms up and I can do this without using additional energy. The summer months will be perfect. Speaking of energy, just got my first electric bill with a solid month of grow on it, it added a bit, prolly $30.00.
@Ottopilotti Hey! Thanks I think the yield will be poor on her at best, here's hoping for the BDMs to spring up a make up for it!! They look good so far (all of a day!).
Used to have a dog, 15 years, named Murphy. He was chocolate lab, passed about two years ago. Miss him. Now I have a cat named Bob, a Russian Blue rescued from the pound. He's a good bit like a dog. Like you cats never my favorite, but Bob's pretty cool. With the exception of his fresh greens habit that is. He will eat anything that grows. But he always greets me when I get home, loves to play hide and seek, and sits atop my tent and bats at my head when I am working on my grow.

I am definitely developing a style! Wild, obsessive, perhaps, but that's my style!! We'll see in a year!!!
Looking good and sounding good, wwwillie! :tiphat:
Fine job on the water, less will give you more!
:slap:, you're doing some serious homework!
Hey WWWillie,

I don't know - I am surprised how my girls picked up after the gnats - Never say never!

Looking Good!

Does the cat go outdoors? That's the only problem with animals - what they traipse indoors...

Nothing wrong with your style already! Those cake domes are brilliant - and a cake into the bargain!

CC Day 27 BK Day 17 BDM Day 1
1:30 AM ( Woke up for some unknown reason)
Temp 70 RH 62
I did put a few pumps of mist into the air last night so don't knw if that had any bearing on the RH... Perhaps it was lights out as well.

6:00 AM
Temp 77 RH 52
6:00 AM
Chilly again last night 15 this AM time for the winter coats!!
Hmmm... RH back up, perhaps I worry for nothing,,, Not for the last time I am sure.
Watered this morning. 1ltr areated filtered tap pH 6.9 230ppm Supercharger / plant. The pots felt light and dry. Maybe I do have this watering thing down, sure hope so!

4:30 PM
Just a quick peek as we are heading out for the evening. They look great!! The watering was on target and the supercharger seemed to be just the ticket. I swapped the plants around so CC and BK are now under the LED at 24 inches and the two baby BDM are under the CFL and the domes have been removed.

Temp 72 RH 64
Late night RH is interesting, lights out and heater on perhaps?