Must read! Lst difficulties

If I had more light I'd probably train nearly till harvest. I will add a light as soon as my budget permits. I'll have to deal with the heat at that time. Right now I need a small dehumidifier for lights out. Topping 60 RH and I'm in early flower. Gotta correct that b4 buds get too dense.
If I had more light I'd probably train nearly till harvest. I will add a light as soon as my budget permits. I'll have to deal with the heat at that time. Right now I need a small dehumidifier for lights out. Topping 60 RH and I'm in early flower. Gotta correct that b4 buds get too dense.
I grabbed one of these a few months ago. I have yet to use it but it's very well built, has great ratings and the price was right.
Amazon product
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Thanks. That is excellent.
I gave it a day and a few tucks. I know I was told to leave them alone, but isn’t this what I should be aiming for? 5+ new main colas?

I like waiting on several leaf sets to develop but everyone does it the way they want. More colas doesn't necessarily mean a higher yield as not all genetics respond the same.

I started LST at day 15 with these plants but yours is quite compact as if it favors single cola dominance.

You'll learn something valuable however you do it though
I like waiting on several leaf sets to develop but everyone does it the way they want. More colas doesn't necessarily mean a higher yield as not all genetics respond the same.

I started LST at day 15 with these plants but yours is quite compact as if it favors single cola dominance.

You'll learn something valuable however you do it though
I agree. I have 20+ colas on each plant. it will possibly result in smaller overall cola size. It will also have more colas at a good distance from the light. I suppose there is a little give and take. If all limiting factors within our control are optimized the plant genetics can reach their full potential. Theoretically.
My plants were extremely compact. At 1st I was dubious as to how I was going to be able to train them at all. To my pleasant surprise the plants provided plenty of opportunity.
Ok folks, I figured it was about time to start feeding (day21). I have a living soil mixed into the lower third of my pots. Today I noticed what looks to me like cal/mag deficiency, yes both. It would make sense bc I have not fed and I’m using ro water (already have it for aquarium top-off). I received my roots organic veg and bloom today and also blue planet nutes organic cal/mag. I top dressed the grow and added cal/mag to my water, both at half amount directed. Thoughts?


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I agree. I have 20+ colas on each plant. it will possibly result in smaller overall cola size. It will also have more colas at a good distance from the light. I suppose there is a little give and take. If all limiting factors within our control are optimized the plant genetics can reach their full potential. Theoretically.

Some strains just aren't suited to training. There are landraces that just don't yield but the product is fire. I think genetic potential is more of a romanticization rather than a reality. The plant is going to respond to it's environment but not every plant will have the attributes of a hash plant so we can't expect certain results to always occur even with full control but we can control and choose for what we want.

If you want shorter internodes, dense buds or whatever - there are genetics for that, we can breed if need be you know. Some strains just don't do well at certain things lol.
Ok folks, I figured it was about time to start feeding (day21). I have a living soil mixed into the lower third of my pots. Today I noticed what looks to me like cal/mag deficiency, yes both. It would make sense bc I have not fed and I’m using ro water (already have it for aquarium top-off). I received my roots organic veg and bloom today and also blue planet nutes organic cal/mag. I top dressed the grow and added cal/mag to my water, both at half amount directed. Thoughts?

If that is calcium def you caught it day one. As far as the mag def if it is the purple stem you are looking at it may be the strain. Other than that I dont see it. I have purple stems on one of my strains not sure off hand which one.

I like Epsom salts for mag. Of course ro has no calcium. Cal.mag wont hurt anything. If you are using a living soil you need to feed the soil not the plant. What beneficial microbes are you using? Are you using teas? A cold processed cold water Kelp, worm, molasses, is a good tea for feeding the soil. Neem meal is great for pest management and nitrogen for grow. Alfalfa is always nice. You can topdress with any of those of course. Perhaps you can research them all and see if any fit in your current regimen especially if they fill any voids. Humic and fulvic acid are great. Silica is great. It can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. As I stated I think earlier my new plant is going to get teas for feeding with very little additional amendments.
Do you PH your water? What is your medium other than a layer of living soil. What are the constituents of your living soil?
Some strains just aren't suited to training. There are landraces that just don't yield but the product is fire. I think genetic potential is more of a romanticization rather than a reality. The plant is going to respond to it's environment but not every plant will have the attributes of a hash plant so we can't expect certain results to always occur even with full control but we can control and choose for what we want.

If you want shorter internodes, dense buds or whatever - there are genetics for that, we can breed if need be you know. Some strains just don't do well at certain things lol.

Agreed. Best way is to run a strain a few times and see what works best for the grower and the strain.