Grow Mediums Multipoint Auto Pot Experiment

I finally painted the inside of the clone cab, should improve its usefulness a lot! This evening, I'll move the sprouts into it. I'm going to take out the Mars UFO and replace it with one of my Mars old style, 300 watt lights. The cab is 20" deep, 22" wide, and 48" tall ( plus a drawer underneath that's 12"x19"x21". Need to make/find something to raise the res 3" to 6" off the floor.

Pics later!
The suspense is killing me pop hahahaha
Ok, pics! I finished the cab with a second coat of paint, its a sloppy job, but I suck at painting.........

BUT DAMN! What a difference! I decided my little Mars UFO, with an actual draw of 110 watts, lights it perfectly! I had mylar in there at one time, but it got all crappy and was noisy. I took it all out, and my seedlings suffered for it. They won't have issues now!
Seedlings look happy in the cab, hoping for some sudden growth now. I'd like to see them ready to transplant in 4-5 days.

In the growroom, I'm adding two more pots temporarily. That way, I have better odds of 4 females, hoping for three at least. I canned the idea of 4 in the small tent, I'm doing a test grow for Fast Buds in there soon.

Clone cab pic1 -6-28-2016.jpg
Clone cab pic2 -6-28-2016.jpg
Clone cab pic3 -6-28-2016.jpg
growroom pic1 -6-28-2016.jpg
growroom pic2 -6-28-2016.jpg
its the combo, not the just pots themselves. continually watered coco is as close to actual hydro as you can get. I can't wait to see what soil does in them! Probably my last soil grow in large pots for sometime. lifting a gallon of water is almost my limit till they get my shoulders fixed, IF they do...........

and if not, I'll switch to all coco! What I grow in is not important, the end product is!

Should I be worried that the pH of my res rises daily? I'm thinking it's the air stone that causes this, but I'm not sure what to do about it
Should I be worried that the pH of my res rises daily? I'm thinking it's the air stone that causes this, but I'm not sure what to do about it

Yes, I had multiple issues due to pH fluctuation. An air stone will cause pH to rise. I use a submersible tank pump that just circulates everything 24/7.

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What nutes you using? What for ph down / up? It can make a difference. I found when doing DWC, ph a little low, then bring it up with baking soda, which requires only a tiny amount! Ph remained stable for up to ten days, with maybe a .2 drift, quite acceptable.

Should I be worried that the pH of my res rises daily? I'm thinking it's the air stone that causes this, but I'm not sure what to do about it
What nutes you using? What for ph down / up? It can make a difference. I found when doing DWC, ph a little low, then bring it up with baking soda, which requires only a tiny amount! Ph remained stable for up to ten days, with maybe a .2 drift, quite acceptable.

I'm using Sea Grow Grow More nutes. Just switched to the bloom feed, and I use their pH up/down solutions. I just ordered a submersible pump, as I was told that this is better than using an airstone. I guess the bubbles from the stone causes the pH down to lose strength or something?