Multiple issues at once is making diagnose difficult. In need of veteran experience.

yes, most find( myself included) OF is too hot....Happy Frog is about a perfect start ( IMO) and does good for the first month or so...( I used the left over OF to recharge my spent HF at 1/3 OF mixed well into spent HF)....What is the source of your tap water, city, well etc. Well water most likely has a high calcium content..( used my well water 50/50 with store bought RO till I got a RO system installed).....Afew of the old hands can probably help you finish this grow out with at least something to smoke from it.....treat it as a learning experience, don't be hard on yourself research as much as you can, simplify as much as you can and the next one will probably be nice.
Hi Bill, thanks for the reply. Now that I'm aware about OF being a bit hot, I'll have to adjust/change that for the next run. My water source is city water. I've ordered one of those RV filters to see if it helps to remove more chemicals and heavy metals. From the city's water report, we don't have much calcium, but I've submitted one of those water tests from the hardware store. Thanks for the message count tip as well.
IMO FFOF isnt hot really as far as nutrient density is concerned. Although it seems quality control is lacking as its in high demand and it doesnt "cook" long enough on occasion before its sold. You can usually tell by the smell. To be safe simply dump any bag of ffof into a tote and water it a bit and let it sit for a month and then use it. I dont plant directly into it although some do without issue but I wouldnt recommend it. At least thats what ive found and thats what works for me. Happy Frog is also a good soil as mentioned above.. but poops out bit faster. Either are great to reuse and amend with some additional aeration and other goodies. You should have been good with nothing but water and maybe organic molasses for the first 3 weeks. You threw quite a few things at your seedlings in a short period of time.

Hey Tom thanks for the input. You are right, I threw too much at it and gave a bit of lockout. I've flushed as soon as I figured it. The best lessons are the ones that make you fall and get up, right? lol. I'll take your notes into my next run and checkout that mixing option.
You certainly did your homework regarding entire set up. Well done. Looks like classic nutrient burn with some lock out. Please take your thread to the infirmary, where the experts monitor.
I’m not going to hold back. Ocean Forest is garbage! Depending on where you live, far better “bagged” options. If you must use Fox Farms, their Light Warrior is decent starter, mostly because it is mostly peat and less likely to come pre-infested with bugs. Happy Frog is ok. Like tom mentioned, the quality control and cooking time is subpar.
The flush, along with some support from the experts, should get you to the finish line.
Most of all, don’t get discouraged!
Hi Lady, thanks for taking the time and please I don't mind at all. I rather be spoken straight to, then to get sugar coated. Keep on keeping it real.

I do appreciate the recognition on the "homework", I've been reading, listening, and watching so much it been a bit overwhelming. I'm a bit of a nerd for data and information. You've probably noticed that. I've been checking out different soilless options and the Pro-mix HP seems to be a popular one with the Autoflower growers.
Circling back to OP:

What water conditioner are you using and have you checked / calibrated your pH meter recently? Have you checked your soil pH (slurry or pour-thru)?

It doesn't quite look like a Ca deficiency, so much as it does a general micronutrient lockout due to high pH (Mn maybe?).

Your starting tap water pH looks really high, and your final feed pH also looks to be at the high end of the range. Not sure how much of your final pH is due to the AN sensi bloom pH buffers, but you may have better luck starting off with RO/demin/rainwater/etc.

I'm using FFOF, and I usually try to target 6.0 +/- 0.2 for final irrigation / feed pH. The macros are absorbed by the plant faster than the secondaries and micros, which can cause build-up and raise your actual soil pH over time depending on your feed amounts and pot sizes.

Heyo KDawg, thanks already for the help. I'm using the greengro water conditioner, bought at the local hydro store. The pH meter is the Apera AI311 which I just bought a month ago today, and I did calibrate it when it arrived.

You are correct my pH is high, and I usually get it down to about 7 before anything, otherwise AN Sensi Bloom has a hard time balancing.

The part about where you try to target 6.0 +/- 0.2, it is particularly interesting, and I'll implement that on the next run if I decide to stick with FFOF.
Hi! I am by means NO expert...however, using Fox Farm Ocean Forest your little ones shouldnt need anything but RO water the first 3-4 weeks. I had many issues with FFOF, so my second grow I switched to Happy Frog instead and got pretty OK results. I have since switched to pure COCO so I know exactly what my plants are getting...because anything they get I give to them!
Personally for me using soil is like driving with blinders on! HA HA

You sure did you homework hon, WAY TO takes time, you will be just fine!!

Heyo bae, thanks for the faith and support. It means a lot to me on this first run, I've dreamt of this for years and finally the stars have aligned. I've looking around and see Pro-mix HP and a good candidate for my next run. I'm still a bit intimidated about coco, and I'm also looking at other options for making it simpler as far as feeding/watering. Hempy buckets are very interesting to me, as I cannot dedicate huge amounts of time to them.
@DCLXVI @Tom Bombadil @BCBudlady @KDawg @MassMom thank you guys so much, I'm amazed of the support you guys gave me. Thank you for real!! Hopefully I'll get something decent to smoke out of this and I'll make sure to update ya'll.

For anyone who comes across here trying to find a solution, here is a run down:

I did a lot of research of feeding/climate for autos, but missed out on soil research. I grew them on Fox Farm's Ocean Forest without knowing it was a bit "hot" (rich in nutrients). Not Fox Farm's fault, but my own. With that, I ended up feeding it too much. And I also made an error on the amount of Cal-Mag locking out even more nutrients. I bet that ff I had used a different medium such as Pro-Mix/Coco which have very little to none nutrients I'd have been in better shape as the feeding schedules I followed were based on those mediums.

The little yellowish/white spots are actually light burn. I received my PAR meter, and it was reading much higher than the phone app. It was about 1050, and it should be maximum at 950 because I'm not blowing enough CO2 to get that high.

So yea, multiple nutrients got locked out and a bit of light burn had me all over the place reading all the different "grow bibles", podcasts, YouTube videos, and here at AFN, of course. At this moment, I'm happy and confident that at least the direction is correct and with a few adjustments, I hope the holy plant will love me back.

Much love. PEACE!
@DCLXVI @Tom Bombadil @BCBudlady @KDawg @MassMom thank you guys so much, I'm amazed of the support you guys gave me. Thank you for real!! Hopefully I'll get something decent to smoke out of this and I'll make sure to update ya'll.

For anyone who comes across here trying to find a solution, here is a run down:

I did a lot of research of feeding/climate for autos, but missed out on soil research. I grew them on Fox Farm's Ocean Forest without knowing it was a bit "hot" (rich in nutrients). Not Fox Farm's fault, but my own. With that, I ended up feeding it too much. And I also made an error on the amount of Cal-Mag locking out even more nutrients. I bet that ff I had used a different medium such as Pro-Mix/Coco which have very little to none nutrients I'd have been in better shape as the feeding schedules I followed were based on those mediums.

The little yellowish/white spots are actually light burn. I received my PAR meter, and it was reading much higher than the phone app. It was about 1050, and it should be maximum at 950 because I'm not blowing enough CO2 to get that high.

So yea, multiple nutrients got locked out and a bit of light burn had me all over the place reading all the different "grow bibles", podcasts, YouTube videos, and here at AFN, of course. At this moment, I'm happy and confident that at least the direction is correct and with a few adjustments, I hope the holy plant will love me back.

Much love. PEACE!
So impressed! You did your research and will have many successful harvests ahead. Nothing better than growing and consuming homegrown.