Indoor Multi strain, led, amended soil sog tent

G'day all. I let the soil dry right out and growth has seemed to start again slowly. The first true leaves faded out yellow probably because I drowned the roots. Been a bit bummed that I did this but you live and learn I guess...

I dug down and it was dry right down as far as I was game to push my finger, looking into drain holes at the bottom it was quite dry there too so I reluctantly decided to water again. This time I just sprayed water directly down the side of the pot around the edges and a light spray on the top as it was bone dry. I used 30ml per plant and there was a little run off from spraying down the sides so hopefully haven't over done it this time.
Still not much happening. Maybe when I over watered I've damaged the plant root system or the microbial life in the small pots. If there's no increase in speed of growth in the next day or so, do you guys think I should try repotting to the larger pots? I'm thinking that maybe giving the roots access to fresh soil that has increased aeration (from the aeration mix I added) might help. What do you think?
Still not much happening. Maybe when I over watered I've damaged the plant root system or the microbial life in the small pots. If there's no increase in speed of growth in the next day or so, do you guys think I should try repotting to the larger pots? I'm thinking that maybe giving the roots access to fresh soil that has increased aeration (from the aeration mix I added) might help. What do you think?
They will be fine bud surprised you have not already repotted them

Sorry it's been a while since the last post, things haven't really bounced back like I'd hoped.

After the transplant the plants have all remained pretty stunted. I would have germ'd new seeds and started over but am moving house in a few weeks so just picked the couple plants that looked the remotely worth keeping and am sticking it out.

Reflecting I think I made a number of errors from using poor perlite and not enough of it, to over watering/letting dry right out which likely killed off the life and a few other things but I am learning from it.

I've been hitting them with some basic teas a couple times a week over the last 2 weeks which has definitely seen some growth, believe it or not! They were only a few inches tall until this last week or so.

Here are a few pictures of the 2 that I decided to keep, hopefully something comes from it but not too worried.


I'm mixing up a no till pot for when I move and another small mix to try again in the airpots in the new place, hopefully I'll have a better effort for you next time!
Life happens. It's nice to see the new growth coming in though. Stick through it and see what you get, and learn from your mistakes. Good luck with this and your future grows! :pass:
Hi Noons I know your pain. Stressing over the small things, shows you care. Good job so far, i would say my single biggest mistake my last run was planting seeds directly into 3 gallon root pouches and then watering. Literally took almost two weeks for the pot to dry out, that in turn led to nute burn etc.
good luck
Hey there looking healthy and happy now. My biggest screw up was killing two moby dick xxl that were looking to be monsters lost probably at least what would've been a pound between the two(that may be grower eye but they were growing rapidly and already huge at a month old. About 3' around 3'tall) At least your gonna wind up with something and I wouldn't be surprised if they just wind up taking a little longer but still getting to a good size. Keep giving them what they want.
Thank you all for the support, I'll definitely stick it out and keep you updated :)

They look fine bud

Yeah it's interesting, other than their size they look quite healthy and green. Bit of a head scratcher really.

I forgot to mention, the 2 strains left are purple express and ww x bb