Indoor Multi strain, led, amended soil sog tent

Thank you all for the support, I'll definitely stick it out and keep you updated :)

Yeah it's interesting, other than their size they look quite healthy and green. Bit of a head scratcher really.

I forgot to mention, the 2 strains left are purple express and ww x bb
They are both going to give you some good smoke
Hi all,

I'm not sure what to make of it but the plants seem to be growing but they aren't looking amazing. Flowers are kind of developing though.

Since the last update I've hit them with a compost tea and top dressed with a little ewc mixed with neem, kelp and soy meal. I also repotted the ww x bb to a bigger air pot I had on hand, this was just to try something on the gnats I had. The additional soil was fairly basic, I just made sure to include a few things like kelp and crustacean meal. Other than almost completely getting rid of the gnats it hasn't made much different to the growth, although the buds look a little better on this plant. Lower leaves seem to be yellowing off.

Below are some pics of my sad little plants. There is some water on a couple of the leaves from a watering. The first, bushier one is the ww x bb the second, lankier, droopy looking one is purple express. Neither are showing much in the way of trichomes but these plants have struggled so not surprised.


I have about 5 weeks before we move out of this house, so these ladies have 2-3 more weeks as I'll need to pull the tent down.

I received an order from mephisto, so I am very much looking forward to my next run. Hopefully will be better
Hi all. It seems things are going a little better since the last update. Both plants, although quite small are seeming to flower nicely. Stunting early has smashed the yield, of course. But the quality is looking better than I expected.

The nitrogen deficiency, or yellowing from the lower leaves up, was getting pretty bad so I've been trying a few things since the last update. I've given (at different times) a tea, used some seaweed extract at 3/4 strength, added aloe to every watering and fulvic acid for one, top dressed the bigger pot with an ewc slurry (with kelp, coconut meal, neem meal, alfalfa meal).

It looks like the regime has helped as the yellowing has definitely slowed from looking like it would take over in a few days to a slower fade. The ww x bb in the larger pot looks a little better as it's easier to top dress to try and resolve problems, being in the big pot.

Temps have been low, I'm not going to use any more electricity by heating as I'm just letting this grow run it's course for practice. Seems to have brought some colour out of the purple express but then, that may have happened anyway.

Ww x bb:

Purple express:


Purple express isn't looking amazing but seeing some colour:

Here's a look at the tent. I've made up a 15 gallon pot for the next time around, planted a green manure cover crop to get things started, can't wait to plant in this

Hi guys, here are some pictures of the tent. The white widow x big bud in the bigger pot is doing much better and the purple express is hanging in there.




Got plenty of life in the 15gal

Had a bit going on so it's been a while since I posted. Chopped the plants on the weekend, I'm a little cramped for space at the minute so I rigged up some string in a cardboard box to hang the buds to dry. The humidity has been a little high so I cut a hole in the box and wedged in a little USB fan. Which has been keeping the humidity in the box at around 60%. If I run the dehumidifier in the room it can drop it a little further. It's been about 3 days and the buds are still wet so looking like it's not drying too fast which I guess is good.

Here are some pics at the chop



Purple express

Nice colour on the stem

I'll post some pics of the drying setup soon
Hi all, been a bit of a whirlwind round here. Everything is finished on this grow. Turned out nice, just not heaps of it.

Ww x bb



Purple express


They're about 3 weeks in the cure and already taste and smell really nice, especially the purple express.

I have my 15 gal mulched and a 6 & 7 gal with some experimental amended bagged soils crammed in the tent and dropped some mephisto beans in. I'll be setting up my new space with an 8x4 tent this weekend, diy cobs to follow.

The seeds have all popped through since this so will start a new thread when there's something to show. Thanks to everyone who got involved, especially @Ripper for answering my many questions