MrAutoGrower Grows - FB Bruce Banner + Mephisto 3Wok


Learning as I grow
Cultivators Club
Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
3Wok OG
Evening ladies and gents...

I am reserving this post for this year’s grow after taking a years break essentially.

Setup is as follows:

- 240w Kingbrite LED
Mars Hydro Ts1000

- Supplemental Mars Hydro Ts600 if required.
- Few other smaller LEDS if required.

Overall I have at least 480w to work with if needed.

2x Fastbuds Bruce Banner Auto’s
- ive read that this can hit really hard so I am interested.
1x Mephisto 3Wok Auto - I've grown her before and she was amazing until she hermied and produced seeds. I believe it was my fault so I am gonna run her again.

Pots & Medium:
- 3x 16L JunglePot Fabric Pots -
these look quite short and wide, I prefer the longer pots but hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze at least 4wks veg time without them flowering too soon...
Jiffy Coco 70% Coco, 30% perlite - yet to try this coco, so I’m excited to try it out.
Home & Garden Clay Pebbles - using these at the bottom of the fabric pot and the top to help dispense water better.

Nutrient Lineup:
Advanced Nutrients
- all day long :)

Will update this when grow has started...

MrAutoGrower :smoking:
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Evening ladies and gents...

I am reserving this post for this year’s grow after taking a years break essentially.

Setup is as follows:

- 240w Kingbrite LED
Mars Hydro Ts1000

- Supplemental Mars Hydro Ts600 if required.
- Few other smaller LEDS if required.

Overall I have at least 480w to work with if needed.

2x Fastbuds Bruce Banner Auto’s
- ive read that this can hit really hard so I am interested.
1x Mephisto 3Wok Auto - I've grown her before and she was amazing until she hermied and produced seeds. I believe it was my fault so I am gonna run her again.

Pots & Medium:
- 3x 16L JunglePot Fabric Pots -
these look quite short and wide, I prefer the longer pots but hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze at least 4wks veg time without them flowering too soon...
Jiffy Coco 60% Coco, 30% perlite - yet to try this coco, so I’m excited to try it out.
Home & Garden Clay Pebbles - using these at the bottom of the fabric pot and the top to help dispense water better.

Nutrient Lineup:
Advanced Nutrients
- all day long :)

Will update this when grow has started...

MrAutoGrower :smoking:
wishing you tons of success My bro and nice to have you back
wishing you tons of success My bro and nice to have you back
Would love to get my hands on some 3WOK, definitely following along :jointman: :pop:

Thanks for joining in already lads!

I’m in two minds at the moment of adding clay pebbles to the bottom of my fabric pots. I have never did this before and read in the past it will aid good drainage. I’m a bit concerned that the pebbles may add too much moisture at the bottom which risks root rot. I will be using enzymes daily of course to keep things clean.

Have any of you ever added clay pebbles (hydroton) to the bottom of fabric pots using coco with perlite? I know I will be adding them to the top of the pots for sure... just in two minds about the bottom. I read it makes drainage better, but also read that they hold water which could lead to ph swings and moisture issues. Hmm

Thanks for joining in already lads!

I’m in two minds at the moment of adding clay pebbles to the bottom of my fabric pots. I have never did this before and read in the past it will aid good drainage. I’m a bit concerned that the pebbles may add too much moisture at the bottom which risks root rot. I will be using enzymes daily of course to keep things clean.

Have any of you ever added clay pebbles (hydroton) to the bottom of fabric pots using coco with perlite? I know I will be adding them to the top of the pots for sure... just in two minds about the bottom. I read it makes drainage better, but also read that they hold water which could lead to ph swings and moisture issues. Hmm
I grow with the clay pebble mix with great success but I was always advised not to run them just at the bottom so id either go with a mix or just coco and perlite maybe
I grow with the clay pebble mix with great success but I was always advised not to run them just at the bottom so id either go with a mix or just coco and perlite maybe
I’m just gonna layer the top of the pots only. At least that way I don’t have to be concerned about the roots at the bottom. Gonna pop some seeds into water tonight and pot up tomorrow morn. I had to bin my root nurse square fabric pot, that pot was my favourite. Seems the JunglePot fabric pots I purchased are quite small for being 16L. Here’s hoping there’s plenty space for these gals. Thanks for your input bro :cheers:
I grow with the clay pebble mix with great success but I was always advised not to run them just at the bottom so id either go with a mix or just coco and perlite maybe
:yeahthat: From what I remember adding pebbles or rocks, anything like that, to the bottom will actually do the opposite and retain more water in the pot rather than actually help with drainage. Don't remember the exact scientific explanation for it but basically the hard medium is so different that it makes it harder for water to traverse and you end up with the opposite of what you want plus pH and drainage issues.

I'd do what tom said and mix it in. I've considered a top layer like that myself to help with gnats.
:yeahthat: From what I remember adding pebbles or rocks, anything like that, to the bottom will actually do the opposite and retain more water in the pot rather than actually help with drainage. Don't remember the exact scientific explanation for it but basically the hard medium is so different that it makes it harder for water to traverse and you end up with the opposite of what you want plus pH and drainage issues.

I'd do what tom said and mix it in. I've considered a top layer like that myself to help with gnats.

I’ve got the pots prepped for now. 70% coco, 30% perlite, diatomaceous earth (I don’t trust coco brands - I’ve had fresh bag come with bugs lol), and a layer of pebbles at the top because the last 3Wok I grew her mighty green stalk root ended up being revealed at the top of the coco. I left her be and watered as normal... maybe why she hermied or it was down to me feeding her two much b-vitamins during her transition stage. Either way she was a monster plant but her potency lacked due to her hermie’n.

I’m just considering how I am gonna raise these girls now. I like to use those red solo cups (with some diy to make an easy transplanter), and raise them in there for around 11 days before transplanting into a 16L pot. This way I don’t worry about putting too much water into a big pot with a small seedling. However, the cups have proven a bitch to get locally here and I’ve had to substitute with a much weaker plastic clear cup. I’m hesitant on using them so will either pot straight up Into the 16L and be careful with the watering amount, or wait a few days until I can get a hold of the solo cups.

My setup/environment is gonna be a little different this year so I am hoping I can make some use of more space and grow some big gals.

Decisions decisions lol :smoking:
I’ve got the pots prepped for now. 70% coco, 30% perlite, diatomaceous earth (I don’t trust coco brands - I’ve had fresh bag come with bugs lol), and a layer of pebbles at the top because the last 3Wok I grew her mighty green stalk root ended up being revealed at the top of the coco. I left her be and watered as normal... maybe why she hermied or it was down to me feeding her two much b-vitamins during her transition stage. Either way she was a monster plant but her potency lacked due to her hermie’n.

I’m just considering how I am gonna raise these girls now. I like to use those red solo cups (with some diy to make an easy transplanter), and raise them in there for around 11 days before transplanting into a 16L pot. This way I don’t worry about putting too much water into a big pot with a small seedling. However, the cups have proven a bitch to get locally here and I’ve had to substitute with a much weaker plastic clear cup. I’m hesitant on using them so will either pot straight up Into the 16L and be careful with the watering amount, or wait a few days until I can get a hold of the solo cups.

My setup/environment is gonna be a little different this year so I am hoping I can make some use of more space and grow some big gals.

Decisions decisions lol :smoking:
Sounds like you are ready to rock! :headbang: I usually germ in jiffy pellets and then as soon as I see a taproot I transplant into their final pot. The first one with a new pot size is usually a little bit of a guinea pig but I've gotten good at picking up how much water they need and at what interval pretty quick now. It's a bit of a learning curve like you said I never really liked the idea of transplanting after a week or two. I found what I do now is the easiest method for me. Anyways, excited to see what you do with the new setup! Big plants are always fun, and I'm always an advocate for stuffing the tent :jointman: