New Grower Mr ZigZag’s first grow! Advice accepted!

Mini-Update/Red Alert!

Problems have suddenly cropped up in my #1 Star Ryder baby! I posted over in the Live Help thread but if you've been following this grow and have some ideas please lemme know!

All signs pointing to a PH problem I think. In the last few days she's been slowly dropping down and is probably in the 5.8/5.9 area after being 6.5 relatively consistently.

You should be feeding full strength on your nutes and the straight water nutes one feeding full on then straight water next time try that she should pick up and grow for you
Not sure if I've got the wrong end of the stick here but the yellowing looks like a touch of N def. How old is she and is this fan low down the plant?

If so then it's normal to have a few fans go yellow as you move into flowering, N being a mobile nutrient and all that.
Thanks guys, yeah the yellowing is the lower leaves and Waira over in Live Help thinks its Nitrogen Def also, and I tend to agree after doing some research.
The flushing I tried yesterday morning made the yellowing worse because I was flushing away the existing Nitrogen. Doh!

I know that there is a natural yellowing process of the fan leaves as the plant gets closer to the final stages of flowering, but I think this is too early for that. Dutch Passion lists the growing cycle as 10-12 weeks and I am just shy of 8 weeks total and only 2 weeks flowering, and based on other photos it is more likely that she has 3-4 weeks left before she's ready.

Stay tuned, I will be applying a foliar spray with some nutes in order to get them in her quickly (and let the soil dry). Hopefully this is just a small bump in the road and not a crater!
Waira is our number one trouble shooter! :D

I've put a few notes in the live help for you. It may give another perspective, but as always, i defer to waira on all things Def/Tox or bug issues :)
Glad to hear you're getting it sorted.

A little yellowing around week 8 is normal and I usually wouldn't worry much about it, but if you flushed her then getting some N back in quickly sounds like a good call to me.
Update #7

The Plants:
  • #1 Dutch Passion Star Ryder (10 weeks old)
  • #2 Nirvana Blue Mystic (9.5 weeks old)
  • #3 Dinafem SourD (9.5 weeks old)
If you’ve been following my grow you know I’ve been focussing on the Star Ryder a lot, that’s because she has always been much bigger than my other two and has demanded a lot of attention, including being a bit of a problem child with the yellowing problem (nitrogen deficiency) I documented earlier. However this week I’m going to let her sit in the background and put the Blue Mystic and Sour Diesel on center stage. I think they deserve it! Both of them are currently sitting in the greenhouse in preparation for a potential heavy thunderstorm tonight, otherwise they are typically outside and getting 10-12 hours of sunlight. After looking at TeeTees update on his Day 66 monster grow these ladies are pipsqueaks! But I'm proud of them anyway, I put them through their paces in the first month so I'm just happy they are here!

Blue Mystic
So here’s the Blue Mystic, as you can see she has grown up nice and tall, finally seems to be coming into her own. Hopefully I can now focus on keeping her healthy and fattening up those buds as much as possible.

A close-up of the cola.

Sour Diesel

The Sour Diesel is looking real nice also, filling out a little bit more than her neighbor. She is being true to her name and is developing a nice pungent smell. I can’t wait to give this one a try!


A close-up of the cola reveals some nice trichome action going on.

Star Ryder
Sorry for the bad picture but you may have noticed that she is back inside the grow box where she was born. It’s been extremely humid in my area for the last 4-5 days, we’re talking 95% humidity and some heavy rain 3 days ago. During the worst of the rain I put her into a greenhouse and then last night I spotted the beginnings of what might have been powdery mildew so I brought her inside and treated her as best as I could by carefully cleaning off the white spots and then applying a diluted solution of SM-90 and water. Then I put on the fan to get the air circulating and crossed my fingers. That was nearly 24 hours ago and I’m not seeing any signs, so I’m praying I got to it on time. Heck it may not have even been powdery mildew but I’m not taking any chances!


So for those who pay attention to the BOTM contest you probably don’t recognize her but my photograph of this same cola was nominated a few weeks back. Here she is a lot more grown up, pretty amazing! I owe it to all her fans to keep her healthy.

Update on Star Ryder

So I think we're getting very close to harvest right? This is not the best picture because the sun was right overhead, but the top leaves are getting yellow.


And I know you can't rely too much on the color of trichomes for autoflowers but here are some cool shots anyways. I did spy at least a couple of amber ones, but just a few. I circled the ones I saw in this first photo. This sample was not taken from the cola either.



We're getting some heavy rain tomorrow so I will put her in the greenhouse in the morning, but what do you think?