I'm always open to any positive suggestion/feedback.... sometimes with great skill (does that sound big headed?) comes an attitude of complacency which we all need to avoid...
It's also an aim to put up photo's when things aren't optimal and get feedback even if I do know what the actual cause is so that other possibly less experienced growers can see that even experienced growers do make mistakes and it's ok to make mistakes as long as one learns from the experience....
Nah, not big headed - that would suggest that you're arrogant, and you're sharing all of your hard earned knowledge. That means you're "confident"
I love this forum all the folk I've come across seem to be very positive and nurturing, willing to genuinely help and guide.... unlike some other forums where the users seem to want to boost their self esteem by ridiculing and belittling other members... And you Blue* seem to be one of the most helpful and knowledgeable....
Jorilla, Mr Jorilla
Hey.. that's the spirit, we love you being here with all of your skillllz! The vibe is unique here, more of a nice family than some of the open warfare forums i've been on and not bothered to join.
Thanks very much for the compliments Jorilla..Mr Joriila

Keep up the good work fella, lots of people learning.
And... just for a note, i think people may be a little shy to post here because they've seen your last grow and it was a monster, but just a shout out to all - Don't be shy, Mr Jorilla is one of the good guys!
All the best
Blue ^_^