Dutch Passion Mr ganjamotos Holographic Hydroponicum

Anyway where can the King get one?.....

You pull 600 grams dry from one autoflowering plant with these 2 units (4 GPW) and ole' blue will have a whip round for you!

(..... in soil) lol

(the nerves just set in)

Bwaa hahaha

In soil.... remember this little (soil borne) lady......

It's big .... but is it 600 grams big?? :slaps:


:Aw shucks:
... I'd better get collecting! ^_^
You know, I dunno what the current grams/watt record is -- but 4grams/watt would certainly be a longstanding benchmark if anyone could actually pull it off.
So... I need to get 14 oz off 1 plant with 100w light

LOL! probably not the best approach in a little cabinet. If I backed it down to a 40w or less Induction... it just might be doable...
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CO2... you could make a 1-3 gallon size yeast sugar CO2 gen and drop a 15w-25w submersible heater in it and silicon it up. That would provide enough heat if you did not have the space inside of the grow room to put it. then put the exhaust aquarium tubing right over top of your girl