Indoor Mossy's Original Purple JEMS & Duurty Dragons

Got my swim trunks on JD! Knew it wouldn't be too long before I saw you in here man! :D You know I'm always honored to have you here! :smokebuds:
i ain't missing this!!subbed!
Is the bud-bus stopping at my station? will be watching daily for up:bong:dates

Good luck on this run.


---------- Post added 11-23-2011 at 03:37 PM ----------


Hey CDC! Thanks for coming along for this one as well!

Nice to see ya BSeals! Thanks for following along!

Hey Mr. NiceSmoke! Awesome man! It's gonna be a great adventure!!

Hey Cupcake! This bud bus stops where ever anyone wants to get on!! Nice to have ya aboard!! :smokebuds:
Nice! So, I wanted to pop a comment about duurty dragon in a recent duurty thread. I've got a duurty male that stinks like nothing I've smelled before... except for something real duurty. Like a high school girlfriend after gym class duurty... if ya catch what I'm sayin'. The thing is only 6 inches tall right now and just started popping up some pollen sacks, and while I was putting it into it's own bucket outside of the big room, it rubbed under my nose and I thought... what the hell? What was that smell? Yea, duurty.
Jeez Do they all smell like that? LOL How's the smoke? Does anyone know? I hope it doesn't taste like fish! LOL

So, I'll get the bad news out of the way first... I fell pretty bad on my property yesterday and cracked a rib and nearly broke my wrist. Also my bad leg from the wreck I twisted so I'm a mess today... The rib is the worst part so it's very difficult for me to stay on the laptop for periods of time. So, picture updates will be sparse until my rib gets a bit better. Plus it's hard to type with my hand/wrist. Grr... So on to the good news!

Wiz, I have to say... And I'm not saying this to kiss your behind brother, BUT Your germ rate on the Duurty's are insane bro. I put 4 Duurty's to the PT day before yesterday and today all 4 had corkscrews!! Literally long taproots that were swirly like a corkscrew. Heck one was just starting Cotyls that were busting open the shell. So cheers to you Wiz for the great germ rates!

Also have 1 Purple JEM in the dirt. 2 more will be ready soon and 1 still hasn't cracked the shell yet.

So 3 JEMS to go and we're off. Soon as I get babies above dirt you will all know! Oh... I decided to tier all of them. They are all in 32oz cups of Happy Frog and Great White Myco.