So, had some issues the last day and got them figured out today and am ready to discuss. Day 27 on autos. Day 2-3 on sprouts
First the veg tent. The sprouts were not looking right and I couldn’t get the temp up. Well when I set the light changes, I didn’t “ramp up” and add two more steps. So it just sat at 3% output for two days!! Temps were barley 70 degrees. Well was looking closer today and realized it. Got it back set for 60% and have the time it goes off, set to the same time period as the big tent now. Temps are back up about 80.
photos are from a few hours after change already looking better
The big tent heat was low and leaves were drooping. Getting this other tent back up has also raised the heat in the room and the tent is back up around 80-81 where it was 74-76 the last few days.
A secondary reason for this issue was the exhaust was running constantly to keep the humidity down. I’ve added a small humidifier to the tent to help it run less. I might add a second later in flower if I can’t keep the humidity 50% or lower.
I did a big defoliation today as they are stretching and getting into the net, it will be much harder in the future. They should be good for another few weeks and I will prob defoliate one more time around day 21 of flower.
I’m hoping to see a big change in the droop and water consumption with the heat and humidity better under control