New Grower MoonMan's Grow Journal

Didn’t take a pic of grinding the bud before, didn’t have my phone around but that’s what step 1 was. The butter is ghee butter, little over a cup, prob 3/4-1oz sugar/larf
My man! Thank you for the tag. So 3/4 to 1oz of flower, decarb in the machine, then mix with 1c of butter- (is store bought ghee ok?), then hit infuse/decarb again? Or is there a different button for infusion?

Bake as normal/follow recipe?

I was considering MCT oil or I can get ghee at the supermarket. What do you think works/absorb/infuses better? Or is one way easier to cook with?
My man! Thank you for the tag. So 3/4 to 1oz of flower, decarb in the machine, then mix with 1c of butter- (is store bought ghee ok?), then hit infuse/decarb again? Or is there a different button for infusion?

Bake as normal/follow recipe?

I was considering MCT oil or I can get ghee at the supermarket. What do you think works/absorb/infuses better? Or is one way easier to cook with?

I buy the ghee from my local stop and shop or target. The only reason I really use it, is, I find I am enjoying the taste and consistency of the cookies over regular butter. It does uptake a little more THC from what the ardent website claims though as well, which is why I originally tried it.

But yes, put your bud in the aluminum regular sleeve, cap it and hit the button. Then I melt the butter, and mix with the decarbed weed when its done, I use the silicone sleeve for this, then hit the button again. Their newer big one has multiple settings, the one I have just has the one button.

Then yes, regular cookie recipe. You CAN strain it and get clean oil/butter. To me though, its a huge waste. 1-10% of the THC is prob still in the weed. and 2) You're weed is oil soaked with the other 90% why throw out all the oil? I'm not selling my cookies and any friends I've given them too haven't given a single fuck it's green with some leafy bits :crying:

I have used the MCT oil for tincture and it works great. The BIG PROBLEM IMO with it, is that cookie recipes that call for oil instead of butter (LOOKING AT YOU PEANUT BUTTER) use barley any oil! So unless you decarbed hash you probably won't get high. The chocolate chip uses a stick of butter (1cup) and allows you to cram alot more bud in there.
Foxy purple got the trim today. Only 4oz 3 grams. But 130 of larf and sugar. A lot of bud that didn’t get enough light I think. This is one of three plants I didn’t trim much the last two are next and one will be similar. The shekina is looking fatter tho, so fingers crossed.

So far I have around 500 grams of sugar/larf and getting close to 30oz of better/top buds. two more plants to do, prob another 8-12oz of good stuff.

This will be my best haul ever hands down. Outdoors have maybe come close but crappier and mold and argghhhhh!!!!

Well, I got the tent down to the two photos. They have gone from great to gross while in there. Had a somewhat similar issue with the autos when I switches.

Couple reasons I suspect.

1) heat/light intensity/ amount of water consumed. It goes up quite a bit from 240-645 w. I think the plants have some trouble adjust at first and it takes me a bit to get a feeding/water schedule with the new set up.

2) not caring. I have been focused on the flower and harvest and not paid enough attention.

Got first row of nets up and began trimming lower areas and thinning things out. Will be a multi day process as there is a lot to cut down on the Cindy and I don’t want to go to crazy in one day.

Rust! Wilting! Light colors! Welcome to the terror dome!!

Changed canna cheese to 20/4 light schedule

Flipped big girls to 12/12 and put in the second net. I also finished trimming around the bottoms for now.

After crawling on the ground and squeezing thru, let’s just say, reason 598 I’m glad I’ve managed to stay skinny lol

They still look gross but slightly better and I watered them a bit again too.

Also, shekina is a fat bitch!!! All awesome fat colas. Cant wait to trim this next week sometime.