Ok...so I went ahead and did a final (?) little topping trim to get rid of some of the destined to be popcorn buds sites today, and went ahead with switching over the lights to a 12/12 cycle. Also started giving her the transition mix of grow/bloom nutes. Still chugging along using the EarthJuice Hi-Brix two part nutes and their "Oilycann" CalMag and humic acid supplement. Still doing some minor training on a few of the nodes to try and keep the canopy even. Need to take another stab at a couple of them in the AM. But she should be pretty much good to go to start blooming at this point. Since I've got both P150 LED's available, I'm giving her all they've got and running both over her with both veg and bloom switches on.

Here we go...... :greenthumb:

My mainline Grilled Cheese photoperiod is transitioning into bloom really nice. Did a final little trim of some lower nodes off the mains that looked like they would be popcorn bud sites. Couple mains are taking off way more than the others, so guess I need to practice getting my mainline "manifold" even to all nodes. Still happy with how she's going so far for a first time doing any kind of training, cutting, etc.... Sticking with transition mix on the nutes for maybe the next couple of waterings before I'll probably move to full bloom nutes. Getting really good vertical growth right now and starting to send out pistils everywhere. Nice odor starting to develop as well, particularly in the "morning" after the lights have first come on for a little bit.

Little better side shot than I was able to take yesterday. She's really starting to stretch up now. Hope she doesn't get too tall for the tent. LOL

Figured I'd get some shots under the lights tonight. Try and capture all that Platium LED bright pink goodness hard at work. :drool:

She looks to be blooming sooo nice to me. Tomorrow will mark the three week mark since switching her to 12/12 lights (photoperiod strain for those new to the grow).

Between there being nothing on the mainline plant to do but water it every couple days, and nothing to do on the autos in the closet but make sure there's water in the reservoir it's almost getting too booring on the grow lately. Nothing to do but take more pics, and keep an eye on things..... :smokeit:

Oh yea...and decided to play around with adding a new watermark to the pics. Saw a few other folks doing it around the fourms and seemed like a fun idea.
