Oh yea...I also did the trim and jar for the four Grass-O-Matic plants this morning. When all was said and done, only ended up with about 2.7 oz.

I was reading someone else's thread somewhere around the forums the other day, and they were talking about their problems with Ocean Forest soil. From the sound of it, they had the same thing I was seeing where everything seemed to be going great up until switching over to bloom nutes when the plant starts really blooming, then things seemingly falling apart overnight. The fact that there were no problems (or none that I've seen) during veg stage with any of my plants in the soil, I never much suspected it. If it's wasn't too hot to burn and kill 'em early on, must be OK soil type thought. No plans to use the soil ever again, so if that was the case then hopefully will start to see much better results in the future. Not to mention the little ego boost because them most of my problems roll back to ONE bad decision (buying the bag of soil) versus lots of little bad decisions in over or under feeding or watering. :smoking:

Well, the Ghost of LeeRoy plant continues to have issues with symmetry. Nodes just keep forming a little off from each other. Not a big deal, but the goal with mainlining is to get a uniform length of stalk from the base to each main node when all is said and done, so picking symmetrical nodes is recommended as part of the process. Just in general, though, the Ghost of LeeRoy plant seems to be going slower than the Grilled Cheese. Probably just different genetics. I think it might be doing better if it was done on it's own timeline instead of what I'm doing now with trying to find the best compromise between the faster growing plant being ready for the next round of cuts and waiting to give the slower growing plant time to get enough to work with. I suppose I don't really HAVE to do the cuts on them both at the same time, but with limited space I'm going to have to flower them at the same time so that's my reason for doing so. I guess in a way the two make a good pair. One is kind of the not quite picture perfect mainline plant that one would expect from a first timer, while the other is my perfect looking "beginners luck" plant. :smoking:

Examples of symmetry being off on GoL:

Grilled Cheese plant looking good:

Also, switched the lights in the closet on the clones over to 12/12 yesterday. Still no signs of new growth on any of the Ghost of LeeRoy cuttings, so think they're all no go. Grilled Cheese clones are all growing nicely, though, so hopefully in a few days I'll at least know the sex on one of the plants. With the rate the GC is growing at, I'll probably also be doing the next, final cuts sometime in the next few days. GC is pretty much at a point that it could be cut now, but I need to give GoL a few more days.
Spotted sex charasteristics this AM on the cuttings. Surprisingly enough, one of the Ghost of LeeRoy cuttings actually came back and grew out some even though I figured it was a gonner. Seems to be some very hearty genetics on that one with a definite strong will to live. But....it also looks to be a boy plant so it goes bye bye. The Grill Cheese clones grew really nice and are showing some pistils, so YAY!!! I'll take one girl and one boy. Though I did grow out two of the Ghost of LeeRoy seeds a while back when I first started in the closet, and they both turned out to be males so it would be nice to start getting a female out of the batch of seeds. Guess I'm getting coddled with all the feminised autos I've been playing with. GoL plant was not growing as nice and still not being as symmetrical as I'd like, so I think there's a little part of me that's relived I can drop it. Meanwhile, the Grilled Cheese plant is growing like a beast and is ready for it's next, final cutting. I'd been holding off to let GoL catch up some, but now I'll probably trim it up later this evening. Will try and get some updated pics of the plants when I do.


Grilled Cheese:
Well, went to check on the plants in the tent after posting the update on the clones in the closet, and my cutting on the Grilled Cheese got bumped up to this morning. Apparently I got a little too aggressive with the training last night and found this broken stem waiting for me today:


Sooooo....I just trimmed right about there for the next cutting. I was originally going to go with the second node on these mains to cut for the new mains, but the break made the decision for me and the first node it is.

Grilled Cheese before and after cutting:

And a couple last shots of the Ghost of LeeRoy plant just for the heck of it before I got rid of it:
Popped four seeds into some root riot cubes this evening. If you haven't seen over in the LED section, I've upgraded the lights in the closet with a DIY LED light. So since the hardware work is done, I'll be setting up the Root Trapper pots with the Kindsoil and the Blumat's for my super low maintenance test grow in the next few days. Since it takes a while for the seeds to germ and get going, I went ahead and got them going in the tent tonight. Going with three from this years 420 order and one from the original order way back when. Here's whats on deck:

Paradise Seeds: Vertigo
Sweet Seeds: Devil Cream Auto
Dinafem: Blue Amnesia XXL
Dutch Passion: Automazar


Since this one's getting a bit long in the tooth, I'll probably start up a new journal for that grow over in the journals section. Thinking since it'll be a fairly different setup between the lights, the soil, and the auto watering it may be due it's own, different journal. Dunno...we'll see...

Going to keep this one going for at least the finish of the mainlining project on the Grilled Cheese photo plant, though. She's still growing along nicely. Been taking some of the main fans to try and get the slower mains to catch up. But don't know that it's doing much. I need to cut down a ring from a tomato basket in the next day or two and get it installed to start training the eight mains. Once I can get them all about the same around the ring, she'll be ready to start moving into flowering. Seems to be liking the upgraded LED's moved in that used to be in the closet.

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Well, after a week only one of the four seeds has popped. Kind of having a WTF type moment with it. Going to give them a little more time, but may have to plant some contingency seeds (and maybe rethink the starting method a bit).

But I'm starting to get the pots with the Kindsoil all setup so I can startup the Bulemat's and get them dialed in. Fun stuff...
Got the one seedling moved out of the tent yesterday, so was able to reconfigure to start flowering out the photoperiod mainlined Grilled Cheese plant. She looks about ready so going to start transition nutes on the next batch of watering and reprogram the lights for 12/12. Might clean up some of the lower nodes on the mains for grins. Thinking she should take off really nice once the lights get switched over. She seems poised for a really big growth spurt.
