Outdoor Mon's Auto & Photo Outdoor Guerillia Grow Adventure 2017

I'm just a poor American whose family made it to America 200yrs ago. Always wanted to go back to the mutherland and see the sights and say hi to distant cousins. I've never met those mendo boys but if I were to check around I'm sure a few old friends do.
Chaka Gringo, to answer your earlier question...the COB Spaceship is very intense...the internodes of the the plants under it are so dense, that the leaves are like a carpet, but they also have to fight with the massive light impact and i really go near the dividing line not hurting by reading the leaves and move the light...

Looks badass..where can I buy one? And how's yur cornfield scrog going?
14 day Photo Update:
I have to switch to 2 weeks updates, because ladys outdoors and girls indoors force me to pretty work and after the bone in my left foot healed i also restarted at real life work...
So, the ladys in nature do it pretty awsome and since this week the 2 1/2 plants became another time 3, because Durban Poison in Scrog exploded, but still no flower...so all 3 got their first light pk kick last 2 days...




The Frisian Dew started first and is in full Flower Power...



DP and FD in the corn field together...

And @GringoStarr for the light you have to ask @L0wbob2017 if he builds another one for you, LOL:pass::headbang::smokeout:...

Happy Growing AFN!
14 Day Auto Update:
Indoors it's not running like i want to...as my groom is build for the winter period i had to fight bad heat problems inside sometimes hitting 34° and girls suffered a little bit...yesterday week 5 started and as some girls were late in grow and bloom i did a watering with valerian extract, because the creator of the super soil advised me so...but after 24 hours the 6 girls with valerian watered all showed signs of burning at the leaves...



also activated the dehumidifier in my groom to keep rh down...

So better looking girls...



thanks the ganja god in weed heaven they are all into flower now and i'm really curious how they do perform next weeks, i'm glad i did 12 pots so i'm free to move 4 girls out and bring 8 to harvest, because they should become pretty bigger next weeks...we'll see:smokeout:
Happy Growing AFN!:vibe:
Indoor plants looking good Mon, I'm intrigued by the spaceship. Must be a pretty serious light to fit 12 plants under.
Gringo, there are 6 plants on the right side under COB's and 6 plants on the left side under Platinum P 600 running in my groom:smoking: