Lighting Modular Cree COB build

From my understanding of potentiometers, either side lead and the middle should work. The pots split the input current between the middle lead and the outer two leads depending on where the knob is. As as you turn, one side drops in current while the other increases. So hooking to the other lead would mean that it would work the same, just the knob would turn the oppisite direction to dim.

But my electricial is a little rusty, so I may be wrong. Someone please correct if I'm way off. :smoking:
I have not hooked one up but it says to hook up two of the wires
Yep. I guess what I was trying to say is that as long as the middle is one of the two you hook to, either of the outer two will do the job for the other wire (provided my memory of electrial parts is right). Get to rambling when I've had a few dab's. :baked:
Yes, middle is blue from the driver.

Thanks guys, the junction box made it look good as well as make it safer as all connections are contained.

Are you going to post your build @Ripper
Yes, middle is blue from the driver.

Thanks guys, the junction box made it look good as well as make it safer as all connections are contained.

Are you going to post your build @Ripper
Absolutely just not sure if I do pictures or a video
It also has a ground screw for the box but i have no clue what to ground it to?
I can do that. Really not any other options that I know of.
What size bottle you use? What ppm level of CO2? recent info is saying over 1000ppms is a waste vs return. Also, the CO2 should only be on during lights on. With autos, don't run CO2 24/7 either, let the levels rise and fall, save on CO2 that's just being wasted.

Sure beats buying 3 bottles a week like I'm doing now. Not concerned about the 20 dollar per bottle cost but lugging them back and forth to the grow shop gets old fast.