Lighting Modular Cree COB build

What size bottle you use? What ppm level of CO2? recent info is saying over 1000ppms is a waste vs return. Also, the CO2 should only be on during lights on. With autos, don't run CO2 24/7 either, let the levels rise and fall, save on CO2 that's just being wasted.
I run my lights 19-5 and yes the monitor has a photo sensor so it's just on during lights on. Didn't read anything about 1000ppm but that's great news. I go through 2-3 25lb bottles a week and my local grow shop swaps them out for $20 each. Also have a couple bags in there to help offset the bottled stuff but they don't seem to get it much above 300ppm on their own. I run sealed rooms in summer months and went with co2 to help with temps but my plants still hermied when temps went to high.
The bags are BS, I don't care what anyone says.. unless you like mushrooms....

Whats needed is a regulator that has an adjustable range and doesn't cost $800..... The one and only study was done at 700ppm with good results. Its too bad there isn't much more to go on. I suspect from that though, just like pumping out more PPFD reaches a point of diminishing returns, so too with CO2. And a couple of authors have said the 1200ppm setting was just made up by some stoned farmer..... I'm willing to bet running as low as 700ppm will work as well as 1200. lets say 800 as a compromise. That would be a big savings in CO2

I run my lights 19-5 and yes the monitor has a photo sensor so it's just on during lights on. Didn't read anything about 1000ppm but that's great news. I go through 2-3 25lb bottles a week and my local grow shop swaps them out for $20 each. Also have a couple bags in there to help offset the bottled stuff but they don't seem to get it much above 300ppm on their own. I run sealed rooms in summer months and went with co2 to help with temps but my plants still hermied when temps went to high.
do you have a CO2 monitor? you may have a regulator putting out too much CO2. I get the impression a tank should last longer than a week.
ummmmmmm sorry don't mean to hijack your thread.
My only option is the bags as I am not allowed to use tanks.. I have noticed a very noticable difference since I started using them.. They have to produce something and something is better then nothing.
I took my bag which was all puffed up and squeezed out the air from it on my monitor and nothing happened. But since I already bought the bags and it was more to return ship I just kept them. When I get home I'll lower the levels. I have 2 rooms that are fairly large and connected. Unfortunately there is a lot of in and out which is enough to empty half of the room every time the door is opened. Also debatable but I do dump the room air every 2 hours too which adds up. In my last room a bottle would last a week.
Anything goes here @pop22 ! We will get back to building later on, i enjoy learning.