Indoor Moby Dick - the one with the CBD

taking down the last Somango

which breeder would that be from, I've got a bean from advanced seeds that's a somango. I was going to pop her in few weeks just for the name and to compare her to a mango for her mangoness ;)
Hey @Druid, subbing up for this grow your garden is wonder to watch and learn from... just me and the @Dudeski , plenty of leg space then.
Passing this round chaps.
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Thx, I try my best to describe things. The Mobies I'm going to use for seeds (one dedicated plant as a father and 2 branches on each plant pollinated) so this might become quite interesting down the line.

which breeder would that be from, I've got a bean from advanced seeds that's a somango. I was going to pop her in few weeks just for the name and to compare her to a mango for her mangoness ;)
The Somangos I grew were from Seedsman (the Spaniards). They gave out a bunch of freebies so no harm in trying it. I can say it's not an everyday or allday smoke. At least not for Sativa affine people like me. It is a hybrid but with a goooood dose of Indica.
The smell of mine after a months of curing is sweet/warm, the high notes of the citrus have rounded down so all in all it does smell fruity. It is very smooth. If not the smoothest I have ever smoked.
Disclaimer: The Somangos were the first ones I fertilized exclusively with my custom line so it might be that (will know once jack junior is dried and cured in about 2 weeks).
Per plant I got about 1.5liters of flower and about .4L of larf. They grow quite dense so be sharp about mold watch and prevention.

My main tip for mold: When defoliating, remove the leave stalks at the branch.. and don't let stuff touch eachother of course.
Thx, I try my best to describe things. The Mobies I'm going to use for seeds (one dedicated plant as a father and 2 branches on each plant pollinated) so this might become quite interesting down the line.

The Somangos I grew were from Seedsman (the Spaniards). They gave out a bunch of freebies so no harm in trying it. I can say it's not an everyday or allday smoke. At least not for Sativa affine people like me. It is a hybrid but with a goooood dose of Indica.
The smell of mine after a months of curing is sweet/warm, the high notes of the citrus have rounded down so all in all it does smell fruity. It is very smooth. If not the smoothest I have ever smoked.
Disclaimer: The Somangos were the first ones I fertilized exclusively with my custom line so it might be that (will know once jack junior is dried and cured in about 2 weeks).
Per plant I got about 1.5liters of flower and about .4L of larf. They grow quite dense so be sharp about mold watch and prevention.

My main tip for mold: When defoliating, remove the leave stalks at the branch.. and don't let stuff touch eachother of course.

Thank for that @Druid some great advice as usual...good one about the stalks.
My guessing is that the Somango I have is most probably is the same as yours. Mine was a freebie, advanced seeds are based in Spain as well and I think relatively new to the seed game...nothing stands out as original in there catalog.
Yeah a market was created when some states legalized it, so now breeders, seed companies and "breeders" are popping out if the ground like shrooms.

Let's start with some beauty shots of the "Baby" plants I took down today:

Those are from my first STS experiment

They got that deep cyan in the leaves.. love that look.

Here are the Mobies on Day 25:

..and under their actual light (no color corrections, camera whitebalance is at 4k kelvin):

I'm trying the STS thing again with the one in the bottom/right but I think I messed up the solution this time around, some of the silver precipitated out before I could stabilize it (probably contamination in combination with the light).. will try again (properly) if the plant doesn't show a reaction in the next few days.
The girls got a haircut and a little workout today, the trans-plant only got a haircut.

Tomorrow I gotta take down the last 2 babies(corner) and try to mix some new sts solution
Do you gave pretty good luck with the sts solution?