Stick-Man! Stick-man! Stick-
maaaan! .....This brings a giant smile to my face dear brudda-

-- we have talked about this for a while now! Until fairly recently, I was genuinely worried MoB my go tits up, after all the work that went into resurrecting it several(?) years ago,...There might even be the original thread from when JM, Cres, et al were working on her,.. I know I saw it, but forget where, fairly recently too! I'll look,... Oh, BTW, allow me to fill in the shout-out list some more!
@Rebel @JM @Eekman @Root ... uhhhh,... that's about it for the "old schooler" still here :smoking:....

Get the f' out, 0/12 on purple pheno? Or just one you liked? ...I see purple as often, maybe more, than not,... I'm 2/3 on it, only 1 green pheno' to date,...
Rebel and Sniper can help add some ratio info too,... Green has a superb background note of incense (to my nose at least), while purple has a pineapple-ish note,.. Sniper says he get more of an anise smell out of it, but that's all "nose specific" so far as I can tell,... one thing I enjoy, and am very curious about is how individuals interpret aromas,.. I test noses whenever I can!

........... I found potency to be very close on my plants, though some think the purple is a bit less potent... This is where lab testing could be so very enlightening, particularly with terpene profiles,...

excellent cross choices Stickfriend!

Tell us about Viking,... Oooo, a personal IBL of PCK, colored! .... Durban MoB-

.... And the future in auto crosses with those great ones revived again-

.... In fact, I'd be damned interested in F1 fast versions, or rather, to test if this bloom speed trend manifests in them as it does in other F2FV lines , like from Sweet,.. DP has Think Fast, across of auto Think Different and Power Plant (also South African sativa),...

Stick, I'm gonna scare up some pics of my MoB grows and post them here, for reference and pleasure! Stand by,...