Indoor Mixed Indoor Grow.

I would almost think the Uranium would get those bad boys HUGE!!! lol Atomic bud!!!!!

I think it's very possible that your water is junk.. Hopefully there isn't something more caustic in there that is affecting you as well though!!!! It may not show up on an EC or pH meter.. Have you tried boiling your water down to near nothing to see if you get any residue or any deposits??
I would almost think the Uranium would get those bad boys HUGE!!! lol Atomic bud!!!!!

I think it's very possible that your water is junk.. Hopefully there isn't something more caustic in there that is affecting you as well though!!!! It may not show up on an EC or pH meter.. Have you tried boiling your water down to near nothing to see if you get any residue or any deposits??

Nope but I'll try that. I believe it may be an excess of some trace element, or maybe too much Iron. The water comes from a 600 ft. deep well, so its odd that it changed. up until may, i never had a problem, I used that same tap water in my first DWC grow that turned out beautifully. Or, some contaminant in the chlorine injector.......
Lol or some ancient Native American burial ground!!

*queue music for Poltergeist*
I am now seeing definite signs of improvement in my hydro plants, especially the Stoned Jack in the Kratky bucket. Big growth spurt since yesterday! No sign of the yellowing spreading in the rs, so I'm feeling that I've stopped this damned issue. If so, might only end up with one stunted plant. I'm giving it a week or so, before I decided to pull it or not, but right now, it doesn't look great... So, I decided something else will have to wait til next month and I ordered an RO unit. Just a small one but it will do, and I'll get a pump and build a return system for the waste water so that it will recycle thru the filter at least once, reducing the amount that ends up going down the drain. In fact, I'll capture some of the second run waste and use it in my washing machine. I don't like wasting water and at a 10:1 waste factor on RO systems, anything to reduce the waste is good. Especially when you need 30-50 gallons of RO water! ( I'll be running 2 res soon, but to conserve water, I'll extend res changes to 10 days.
Good points, yeah I would think that a few visits inside the res would be needed for Cannabis. I guess, in a perfect situation, one could be able to just change it once at a minimum, just from grow to bloom range. But in reality it'll probably take a few more visits, at least just to add water and nute. Cannabis is wayyy more thirsty and hungry than lettuce, tomatoes, beans haha :) gotta think much more leaf area to transpire and quicker+bigger growth to feed :) I'd like to see it done though! I'd be willing to try it one day with more experience under my belt.

I'd like to see someone try an all organic Kratky bucket. Wish I had the space but just won't have for sometime. I was thinking, set it up like a compost tea bucket. suspend and old sock, or some type of porous container in the bucket. Fill it with some type of TLO/Super Soil. My thinking id that you might need to use some type of hydro mycos, but other than that, I think it would work. The minerals etc in the soil with permeate the water via osmosis. When you add nutes, you only adding a few ppms worth at s time anyway, so this should work. It would be great to see someone try this!
Organic Mini Kratky Grow!

OK, I couldn't wait, so, coming later today:

Organic Mini Kratky Grow!

I'm making 32OZ mayonaise jar into a Kratky bucket. I have a teaball strainer I'll fill with used organic soil and a touch of Organic soil builder, and a little dab of sugar I got no molasses ). I'll start a seed in a paper towel shortly. Probably another DDxCheese cause I have plenty lol! I'll post pics of the bucket later.
Slight change: I've got a Northern Lights x ?? ( could be Durrty Dragon, or Fire x C99, or White Urkle x LowRyder x JEM as male dunno ) going into the paper towel now.
Mini Kratky 1.0

Here it is, ready to go! Got my seed soaking now just wait...I'm excited! LOL, my curiousity gets the best of me sometines! :Sharing One:




We'll start with my Kratky bucket. She's looking good! The change to distilled water halted the yellowing and she has put on another growth spurt! This is also my biggest plant at the moment, and it was started the same time as the other Stoned Jack, down on the lower left corner of the main res! I check the water level every couple of days, and that’s it. haven't had to top up yet. Bucket os at 497 ppms, with 2 Ml of cal/mag. Ph is at 6.0. Haven't tested the main res yet today. Everything in the res is recovering too. Signs of renewed growth are very encouraging after months of plants yellowing and stunting.
It was definitely my water, which concerns me, looks like I be buying drinking water till next month, when I'll get the water tested.

Main Res:
in the upper left pot is a DDxChesse that was almost tossed, as it was part of a seed germination test. But I decided to keep one and pop it in the res. The lower left is Stoned Jack. The others are my Chemdogging testers for Mephisto.

