Indoor 420'z Auto Kush Grow :-)

Day 116, last "live" picz before darkness fallz
Gracie Day 116 :jointman:


welp, there she be kidz, me dear lil Gracie kush, all trimmed up & ready to forge her way into pre-chop darkness later this evenin for 24 hrz...and i ask u, izn't she jus the prettiest lil gurl-? :biggrin: i truly can't rave enuff about this plant, as she'z def been me fave so far :joy: she'z been a frosty lil trooper the whole way fer sur & me can't wait to add her to me stash :woohoo1: i mean ya, she may've went a wee long by sum peep'z standardz, but ya gotta remember, me jus got thru enduring a 167d grow, so hey, 117d ain't about la-de-fuckin-da, haha :coffee: she basically grew herself, and i again give nothin but the highest markz to female seedz for stellar geneticz, woot! :clapper::clapper: the next post will be chop picz, so stay choo-choo tuned & Up The Ironz! :headbang: ppp

@Mr B. from Female Seeds
RIP Gracie @ 117d
:bow: RIP Gracie @ 117d (yesterday) :woohoo:


sorry kidz, but me been the proverbial headless chicken all weekend...and me do not multitask well, so...:nono: :doh: it still ain't over, ugh, so here'z a few for-the-record picz to tide ya over & i'll edit in some added sumthin-or-other later, lol :rolleyes2: in the meantime, drinkz & snackz are on me in Car 11 kidz, choo-choo! :cheers: :headbang: ppp
I keep staring at Gracie like the black lab (Gracie also ?) next to the pic with the tape measure. Nice short stocky plant. I hope my Kush turns out as well as yours. 117 Days Nice1
I keep staring at Gracie like the black lab (Gracie also ?) next to the pic with the tape measure. Nice short stocky plant. I hope my Kush turns out as well as yours. 117 Days Nice1

yup, Gracie the plant wuz named after Gracie me dawg :biggrin: ppp
Final weight!
Gracie - final weight 32gr :woohoo1: :joy:

the bigger budz... the smaller budz = 22.24gr
20200203_113313.jpg the popcorn = 29.80gr the trim = 32.06gr total dry weight :greencheck:

root mass..


biggest bud & nice white ash even before cure...:woohoo1:

:whew: whew! been a buzzzy damn weekend, but the final numberz are in for Gracie Kush, weighing in at 32gr total dry weight, woot! :yay: i'd said i was hopin for a zip, but after takin the wet weight total of 84gr, then allowin 75% moisture loss, i thought i'd be lucky to get 18gr, lol :yoinks: so, i ended up gettin me ounce after all & all is def good :thumbsup::thumbsup: after all, ya gotta remember i'm only growin in 3L potz anyway, and besidez, quantity izn't even an issue with me, as i let quality take the high road any day o' the week...Gracie'z def got quality, in spadez, and choozin to chop her at 80-85% cloudy was just the ticket to get her exactly how i luv me indicaz :headbang: ya, the budz coulda been denser, and thus weightier, but all o' that is due to various thingz of me own doing & has nothin at all to do with the geneticz, which i say again, are superior...a huge shoutout to @gennaro-fs @Mr B. from Female Seeds and all at female seedz for this test grow oppurtunity, hoo-ha! :shooty: :thanks: (so hey, how bout gettin them auto gelato testerz now, hmm-? hehe :smoking: )

all in all, me a most happee grower...if for no other reazon, becuz i've now managed to get a plant grown, chopped, dried & in the jarz in under 120d, haha! :rofl: oh, and speakin of jarz, Gracie'z budz are all sittin jus fine in the jarz right at 60% :thumbsup: and ya, she ended up with a fairly wild root mass that me pretty happee about to round it all out :clapper: this thread will of course remain open for commentz, but for all intentz & purposez, is now complete & will be tagged as such :thumbsup: Up The Ironz kidz & choo-choo, The Growtrain Rollz On!
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(psst, Eddie is in this one, hehe
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Hey there :thumbsup: nice work and nice haul bro :smoking: It was fun watching gracie do her thing:pass:
Hey there :thumbsup: nice work and nice haul bro :smoking: It was fun watching gracie do her thing:pass:

heya jray, been a minute & thx for stoppin in! :d5: ya, despite me own screwupz & low-tech setup, Gracie jus kept on truckin & basically grew herself :thumbsup: and me other fs girl, Janis, will be comin down in jus a few dayz, so...:headbang: ppp