Indoor Mixed Indoor Grow.

You ever have one of those moments..... "DUH! Why didn't I think of this sooner..." In the grow room I have one soil pot with 2 DD x Blueberry Heandband. They started off good, then were damaged by my bad tap water. I've kept them hoping they'd recover, and give me some bud. But I look at them every day and say to myself, maybe I should just chop them and make room. While looking and thinking exactly that, it hit me. Clone them! The tops are decent and a couple branches are good. So we'll see if I can help them make a comeback this way!

Also when i'm finished with this post, I'm going to transplant the 2 DD x KVS that are in the clonebox. I just completed the transfer of the 2nd Auto Cush. Will get pics tomorrow.
Lots poping in the grow room! The new res is now filled with seedlings! All are doing fine with the transition.
But the real news is in my veg cabinet! First, the seedling I found in my bin of used soil, which I named Selu, has already been transplanted a second time! WOooo! She is growing like crazy! I suspect she is from my Blueberry Headband x DD cross but who! Anyway, her growth is phenomenal! And I have one of my DD x Cheese cross that has really taken off also! I may end up thinning out the cab to just those 2 plants. I have no Idea if they are going to auto or not, I have had a couple Cheese x DD autoflower though. Selu may have come from some accidental pollen also, likely the Fire x C99 x 18 male i had.

Looks like my soil grows are finally on track again! They get RI water and every other watering they get Cal Mag. When I transplanted Selu, I amended with 3 tablespoons of GrowMore Organic Soil Builder. The soil is a blend of various used soil mixes from the summer grow. The pot I think is a 1 gallon. don't want her too big! ( or him... )






got 2 seedlings now in the cloner! 1 ESD Kush sprouted, they other seed hasn't cracked yet. The Auto trainwreck had a nice root on it also, so in the cloner it went! I may make a multi pot bucket as a temporary home for them until the main res is free of the Chemdigging.
1 of the 2 plants I cloned sexed and its male...tossed the male clones. hoping the other is female! Might take soime pollen from the male before I chop it, its a DD x KVS cross. Might dust one of the Chemdogging buds with it.
Talk about hybrid vigor! This ESD Kush was all of MAYBE an 1 1/2" long when placed in the cloner about 24 hours ago! the root alone is maybe 4" now! The same for the Auto Trainwreck! The next round of DWC is looking good!

Res have not been changed yet. I have a problem with my shoulder, probably will need surgery. I hurt it badly yesterday and couldn’t do much of anything. Medicated heavily last! But that's another story.

Where to begin?? Lots going on!

First, that ESD Kush seedling and the Auto Trainwreck doubled their root length while in the clonebox less than 24 hours! So I set up what I'm calling my transition bucket and transplanted them to the 5" netpots. That's the way I'm use to seeing seedling when they come out of the clonebox! However, I think I've learned some new things. I think that autos that still have large amount of Ruderalis in them have a different root structure. Most photos and some autos grow a single long root seeking water when propagated in a clonebox. But some, such as the Chemdogging and the Auto Cush grew a root about 1 1/2" long, then started forming branch roots. The roots on these two where long enough that the root passed out thru the bottom of the netpot and into the res. That's exactly how I like them to be when I move the to the res or bucket. This means in a couple days, I can lower the water level. I try to always have it an inch or so below the bottom of the netpot for the airspace. It helps keep the roots healthy. I PH'd the bucket to 6.0. I added 66 ppms of Cal/Mag and 200 ppms of MaxiGrow. They will stay in the bucket until the Chemdogging finish, then into the res. I think I'm liking the idea of this transitional bucket, it should help me maintain a rolling grow.

Got some plants that look good in the veg cab! I'm feeling good about my soil grows now. Selu has continued to grow like crazy! I'm mean this foundling has only been in a pot may 10-14 days! And one of my Cheese x Durrty Dragon cross is doing well in the cab also. I recently started a Lost Coast OG x Black Domina i was gifted, and that is now a right healthy little girl!

There are even a couple plants I didn't get pics of yet. Maybe tomorrow I'll get them on here. I'm pushing my limits with my shoulder already, even typing is becoming painful.

Overall, I'm much happier with my gardens than I was a couple months ago! And can't wait to sample that Chemdogging!




Talk about hybrid vigor! This ESD Kush was all of MAYBE an 1 1/2" long when placed in the cloner about 24 hours ago! the root alone is maybe 4" now! The same for the Auto Trainwreck! The next round of DWC is looking good!


Hi pop, Sorry to hear about your shoulder. What did you do to it? BTW what type of net pot is that you're holding in this picture? I've seen those neoprene collars before but not those tiny pots. I'd see a physical therapist before you have surgery. I've had so many orthopedic injuries that PT has resolved w/o surgery. I hope you feel better.
The netpot is just an ordinary 2"netpot. I cut the baskets off so that I can transplants with worrying about roots being caught in the pots. The neoprene collars hold the seedlings quite well and the cut down netpots keep the collars from falling into the res. ! even sliced the collars in half as they were too thick IMO. You can put even very young sprouts in them. I put the seed head down in the split in the collar and it will grow up thru with no problem, even though the collar has a pretty good grip.

I have a calcium deposit in my shoulder. I've had cortizone injections but they don't last long. PT made it worse, so I'm out of options.
I am headed in the same direction. I've beat myself up pretty good over the years. Just about every part of my body. The only otho surgery I've had was my knee. I will say that once I had the surgery I wondered why I waited so long. I hope it all goes well for you pop.