Indoor Mixed Indoor Grow.

I am headed in the same direction. I've beat myself up pretty good over the years. Just about every part of my body. The only otho surgery I've had was my knee. I will say that once I had the surgery I wondered why I waited so long. I hope it all goes well for you pop.

Thanks! :Sharing One:
Well, I'll get a full update out tomorrow. Just wanted to post an observation. since switching to Baking Soda for PH UP my res ph is very stable! I checked today, and ph is 5.9, exactly where it was when i filled the res! I'm attributing this to the baking soda, but it may be the combination of my nutes and the baking soda. Probably will work just as well for most hydro grows.
Wow, I didn't realize I haven't updated....

Last res change was Friday 11-21

PH: 5.9
PPMS: 676 ( 70 ppms of Cal/Mag - 606 ppms of Maxigrow 75%- Maxibloom 25%
Room temp today: 76F
Res temp 66F
My plants have grown a lot since last post. Starting to look like a jungle in there, just the way I like it!

I'll refresh this thread at this point, as this is an ongoing post

For me, my garden serves many purposes. Of course, number one is to provide meds for my lady and I. She has progressive MS. We're hoping that soon, I can make RSO for her, I just need enough plant material to make at least a 60 day supply. That will take about 8 ounces. Because of this need, I'm not only searching for good meds for her, I'm looking for a strain that will also finish quickly, and provide a reasonable per plant harvest. I'll be happy with any plant that can give me 30-50 grams per plant. I have a res capacity for these smaller plants to run up to 12 at once. My actual plan is to start 4 every 2-3 weeks. right now I'm going for a three week timing after my current test grows are done.

My garden spans two rooms. In the growroom, i have a 4'x5' space for the main grow area. Next to that, I have a 24"x24"x60" cabinet I bought at an auction for $2.00!!!! It a very well made Busch unit and it makes a perfect grow cab. I've mounted a 180 watt UFO LED light that gives great light coverage for that space. In our bedroom, we use the upper portion of a ( ??? )cabinet/chest of drawers as a clone/seedling propagation area. We also use it to experiment with very small plants. I currently keep a mini SCROG setup in there, as well as my DIY clonebox.

May main garden is lighted by a pair of Topled brand, 300 watt ( 185 watt actual draw each ), LED grow lights. I went LED to cut heat issues. I've reduced heat by 40-50% from what the 600 watt MH light produced.

I'm also a very curious person, so my grow room is also my laboratory. I test concepts that are new ( to me ). I often run many strains at once, I'm currently growing 24 plants and 10 strain. 7 of the plants are test grows for breeders, including 2 ESD Kush for the ESD Kush Grow Off.

I'm also growing in soil organically at the same time I'm doing DWC. In, I'm experimenting with the Kratky Method, which is hydroponics with no air or water pumps. Just a bucket and solution. I'll go into this more later. I test various methods of cloning. I'm going to do some intense plant training when I have space to put a Blue Dream phtotoperiod into a 4'X4' scrog.

Being retired, it has become a not only a hobby, but a passion. Many days, I spend a lot of time with my plants. Studying them, thinking of ways to improve my methods, new things to try.

I enjoy running multiple strains. I know some people find that difficult. I do it for several reasons. I find that having several strains side by side, helps me identify characteristics within a strain, by comparing them to other strains. I feel it is helping me train a more discerning eye.

I'm also growing 2 crosses I created, Durrty Dragon x Cheese and Durrty Dragon x KVS. DDxChhese is an auto-photo cross. I'm growing out a couple of first gen seeds right now. I'll work a breeding program for the DDxCheese. I haven't decided what if anything I'll do with the DD x KVS. I think they would be good seeds for a guerilla grow, nice, small, stealthy plants.

I may build a new grow area just for autoflowers, so that I can also grow some photoperiod plants that I want to test, such as Blue Dream, or Flowerbomb Kush, which I've grown one of, and found it to be a very nice plant, potent and well worthy of a place in my garden.

We use most of our plants in making oil for capsules, which we consume daily. I've used both Olive Oil and coconut Oil. I like the coconut best for capsules, and the Olive for cooking. Haven't made budder yest but we plan to soon!

Strains currently growing:

Auto Cush - Mephisto Genetics

Auto Trainwreck - Sweet Seeds

Chemdogging - Mephisto Genetics

Dragon’s Blood - Stone

Dirrt Dragon x Cheese - my cross

Durrty Dragon x KVS - my cross

Durrty Dragon x( Fire x C99 x 18 ) - gifted to me by a member

ESD Kush - Epic Genetics

Unknown Stone Dragon Cross - gift from a member

Lost Coast OG x Black Domina - gift from a forum member



Dragon's Blood


Clone/Seedling Cabinet
Update: Lots of pics!

Some changes since last post. I chopped 2 of the Chemdogging, one to go, but waiting for seeds to ripen. I'll be adding 2 Stone Dragon Fems to the res and 2 Sour Dragons. Auto Cush is growing very nicely. My Dragon's Blood has surprised me! I expected a dainty little plant, but she's put on some nice size! About equal to the Auto Cush! The starthough, is my " Duurty Kush "... She's the tallest and has the biggest buds at this point! Woooo! I'm pleased with her growth!

The Veg cab has a number of changes. Now in the cab are:

2 ?? x Stone Dragon

1 Duurty Dragon x C99
1 unkwon mix
1 Sour Dragon in the Mini Kratky 1.0
1 Auti Sweet Tooth for thew Beercan grow.

The clone cab is now hosting my mini scrog. Under the net are a Northern Lights, a Suurty Kush, and a Durrty Cheese. Nice buds forming on the NL and the Duurty Kush. Th DD x Cheese has not flowered yet

On the floor in the growroom are Selu, who got too big for my cab... and the DD x Cheese beauty! I'm going to build a "darkroom" box for them out of black plastic and 1"x2" so I can cover them and get them to flower.

Whew.... busy!!!!

Ihh, and i have one DD x Cheese in a pocket garden hanging next to the










FINALLY!! Got my new PH pen an Extech PH100. This is a top shelf pen style PH measuring device. You can even get another probe that will measure dissolved Oxygen. Did a res change after more than 2 weeks. Ph was 6.8 in the res! Changed out the bucket with the ESD Kush also, and the Kratky Bucket. All running a ppm of 652.

The veg cab is looking good. beer can seed hasn't sprouted yet...... besides the Kratky buckets, I have a ? x Stone Dragon, and a Durrty Dragon x C99 both in 16 oz cups. Will grow them out in the cups.

In the clone cab, the scrogged plants are doing VERY well!! The little Northen Lights has some really great buds on her, and the DD x Cheese does also, The DD x Cheese in thew back still hasn't flowered.

The big Cheese x DD still needs a cover to force flowering. Hoping to get that built today.


Dragon's Blood






Looks like next harvest is going to be a decent one!

Res Change
PH: 6.02

PPMS: 652, no added Cal/Mag

Res temp: 64
Room Temp: 71
Did anyone take a close look at the two, next to last, pics? What you see is 3 healthy good sized plants ( for being very small pots, 2 are in 1.5quart pots, one in a 1 gallon. And the are 2 seedlings in solo cups. % plants under a total of 117 watts of combined six, 15 watt Red/Blue LED spotlights, and three 23 watt CFLs. The spot lights draw an actual 8-9 watts each. The Northern Lights main cola, is about the size of a medium egg and rock hard too! And the lower buds are gaining good size too. The DD x KVS next to it has 2 tops, and both are nice buds. I'm going to say, I think the NL and the DD x KVS will give me a total of an ounce when finished. For perspect, these plants are only about 10" tall!

When the current plants are done, I'm going to modify the light by adding 3 more sockets for 3 more LEDs and get rid of the CFLs.

Well, seedling I found outside in my recycled soil bin has turned out to be a male...too bad, it was a nice looking plant! I chopped it and I just planted a seed from the Chemdogging I dusted with Auto Cush. Let's see what happens!
Well, seedling I found outside in my recycled soil bin has turned out to be a male...too bad, it was a nice looking plant! I chopped it and I just planted a seed from the Chemdogging I dusted with Auto Cush. Let's see what happens!

its going to go great I hope ;)

play her some Taylor Swift ... ladies love the Swift
I'm still waiting for the Auto Cush x Chemdogging seed to sprout. A reminder, this seed came from my having found a male in the Auto Cush from Mephisto. We don't even really know if its an Auto Cush, but it did look like the female I'm growing.

Update I'll be posted tomorrow. however, I wanted to say, changes coming to the main growroom again. I love growing in DWC and had thought to expand my hydro grows. BUT, I've had a sudden reversal of!
( I sometimes just do things on a whim, other people call it! ) I'm doing away with one of my reservoirs. It will be replaced by 12-16 1 gallon pots with organic soil. The plan is to do a "Sea of Green" grow to sharpen my soil growing skills, I'm still a newbie to organic so it will be interesting, although it fits in with my KISS principal of gardening. Once I get a handle on it, I may expand to 24. I'd like to start 6 new plants every 2 weeks. They will most likely be photo periods, and I'll reserve autos for my cabinets.

The second res, when the current grow is finished, will be replaced by 4- five gallon buckets in an RDWC configuration. I have the 1 1/2" pipe and have ordered a 10 pack of Uniseals. BTW, got a good price on them by the 10 pack on ebay, $23.95 U.S. shipped. Best price I could find any place! I have a 22 gallon tote that will be the control reservoir. I'm getting ready to test my DIY chiller in it soon and will make a permanent setup with it as soon as I get it working to my satisfaction.