Auto Seeds MissUniverse's 2019 Autoseeds Growbattle thread

Looks good MU. Always a pleasure to watch you grow. Good luck in the battle
Thanks! I am glad that people are enjoying a show. Hopefully i do well this time around. I need to change the reservoir on probably Monday or maybe tomorrow depending on how my shoulder is. I had a dream last night I had a huge pile of colas of dreamberry that just were out of this world insane. I'm aiming for a harvest by 4/20 latest. I'm hoping April 15 2019. My dream was 6x50g colas plus more buds. Now I gotta wait for this to come true :)
Day 14, 2 weeks old. Sorry I didnt update much but now things are happening. Im just about to change the res and doing 2 tsp per gal maxi gro (10tsp maxigro total in bucket) with 3tbsp myksp wp, 2tbsp asos, 25ml calmag

Heres an imgur gallery, if anyone wants individual images posted please let me know


Oh I never did this. Calling all @CannaZone Tier 1 for my grow battle thread and for you guys to watch some autoseeds brand dreamberry grown in dwc. I'm trying to drive some traffic so I can get feedback on what I need to change to keep things going well.

Heres my day 14 dreamberry in dwc. General hydroponics maxiseries (maxigro maxibloom) with xtremegardening azos and mykos wp.
Actually, I might take you up on that. Need to discuss with the hubby about giving out the address though. Were both a bit paranoid about giving out info online
Get a drop ship address in the next town over. That's how I get everything.