Auto Seeds MissUniverse's 2019 Autoseeds Growbattle thread

Spent a little while (bout half hour) digging out the dwc set up. Cleaned the bucket and pebbles and mesh net. Going to need a new bubble stone in a few weeks but not just yet. So I'll save up and get one when I have the money... yes money is that tight.

I plan to use maxigro to start with at 1 tsp per gallon the first week and 1 tsp per gal mykos wp and 1 tsp per gallon azos then top it up with 2 tsp per gal gh maxi gro and at wk 2 dump the res refill with 1/2 gro 1/2 bloom at 1 tsp each with no mykos or azos and go for 1'2 was that then dump res and do 2 tsp maxi bloom per gal and 1tsp each azos and mykos wp per gal
Dreamberry is a go. Planted 2 in rapidrooters in a single 5 gallon dwc bucket. My plan is to keep the first to sprout (if both sprout the same day, the first to sprout or the best looking) in the bucket and take the other and put it in a 3 gallon air pot and go from there. By doing this I can keep both seeds alive and keep my chances for dwc high.
I put xtreme gardening 2 tbsp azos and 3tbsp mykos wp in the dwc res as instructed. I put 1 tsp per gallon maxi gro equaling a total of 5 tsp. I did only fill about 4/5ths of the way up on the scoops of the maxi gro so it's really more of 4 tsp of maxi gro. I also put a total of 25 ml cal mag in the res (5ml per gal) and quickly dunked the rapid rooters in the solution as I normally so almost that exact thing when I start my plants in soil as it is now.
The seed is kinda up today but not all the way so I'll count tomorrow as day one for dreamberry in dwc. The other seems to be a dud unfortunately. Seems to be happening a lot with autoseeds... happening a lot with a lot of us guys growing for the battle... but when they grow they are great... its seems to be the freebies doing the bad growth for me. The ones I bought all sprouted just fine...

But on a side note. I harvested a manbearalienpig and a forgotten cookies from mephisto and tomorrow I am harvesting a sweet n sour from mephisto. So I'll have an autopounder, a candy kush, a suckerpunch (definitely majorly stunted from my mess up from hurting it early on too), and the dreamberry dwc. I hope something else comes soon I might get because if it does then I hope nothing else goes in but if by next week nothing is here I have to start 2 mephisto sour crack and then when round 2 of the grow battle starts I'll do the sweet cbd in dwc :) if I have too much I'll give a plant away
How's the autoseeds plants doing I'm into two other battles as well so I got my hands full but my ultra lemon and gg4 are looking really good I'm regretting not putting the lemon in a 5 gallon it's only 5 nodes but has roots already poping out of the bottom and sides of the 3 gallon. I'd transplant if it wasent in a fabric pot. Their almost impossible to transplant when the roots grow through the fabric.
How's the autoseeds plants doing I'm into two other battles as well so I got my hands full but my ultra lemon and gg4 are looking really good I'm regretting not putting the lemon in a 5 gallon it's only 5 nodes but has roots already poping out of the bottom and sides of the 3 gallon. I'd transplant if it wasent in a fabric pot. Their almost impossible to transplant when the roots grow through the fabric.
Drop that fabric pot and all in a 5 gal bro the roots will go right through the 3 gal.
Drop that fabric pot and all in a 5 gal bro the roots will go right through the 3 gal.
Usually the three gallons do great and coco ain't exactly cheap and when you got 14 plants it gets a bit pricey. But the lemon has a longer lifespan than most autos. I'm done with the fabric pots and going all air pots bc they are super easy to transplant and reuse. I dont like the 5 gallons bc they take awhile to dry out and i run drain to waste and that means more nutrients as well. I use root mass enhancers as well so maybe I'll lay off em a little.