Plants are looking good Bandit55 even though youre using MG and have two plants in one container. Keep a close eye on them. Most/all first time growers do things that could have been done easier/better/more efficient etc. sometimes with good results, sometimes you learn from your mistakes. Either way it adds to your experience. My only advice to you, is to listen to the advice/experience of the senior members of the site. They are good people with great knowledge and most are willing to lend a helping hand when they can! Not too many people can say that they had a team of expert growers by their side during their first grow, so take advantage of it! Try not to make the grow too stressful for you or your plants!
As far as growing with Miracle Gro...I knew an experienced grower who achieved great results growing his photo strains using MG Moisture Control soiless mix. He would use all organic nutes EXCEPT for the MG ferts in the mix, and his smoke was always good, tasted great and burned to a clean white ash. His yields were good too. I believe he added perlite to the mix and fed with guano teas. Im not suggesting anyone use MG (actually advise against it) but just pointing out that it can be done. I tried to talk him out of using MG, but he was stubborn (as many growers are, lol) and didnt see the point of changing something that was working well for him. Again, he was growing photo strains.
I also have a book, written by SeeMore Buds, called Marijuana Buds for Less, Grow 8oz of Bud for Less Than $100. In the book he uses plain old MG potting soil. He actually suggests using a time release fert if you use a different soil without it! The purpose of the book is to show that you can get good results using run of the mill supplies, that you can find at the local box store. He does achieve great results, using a fast growing photo strain (Mango), but again, hes using a photo strain. Pretty cool book as it shows day by day growth. Still wouldnt recommend using MG soil though, just pointing out another example.
Another piece of advice that should be pointed out in a Miracle Grow discussion is that their perlite contains a small dose of their MG ferts! Many growers (including myself) have grabbed a bag of perlite from the local box store without looking at the bag closely enough!