Outdoor Mini GSC grow

Oh ok, well I don't know 12/12 from seed won't allow a plant to fully express it's growth patterns but judging from the yield you are gonna have I would say GSC lol.
Naa idk man from this picture. Plus there's so many gsc anymore who knows.
Please keep me updated, there are some guys on YouTube also with the real gsc out cali so you can get a good idea since you can get up close to your plant and see the details. Both strains are good tho so either way you got some bomb buds.

I do however think gsc is wayyyy over rated.
One day, someone slipped snoop dog like X amount of money/buds and had him taste there weed. After counting the money/buds they gave him, he hit the blunt and said "for shizzle wizzle ma nizzle, this is Dat Green Crack right here ma dizzle"
Now green Crack is a legend strain that ain't even that potent like they claim.
I sorta think quite a few strains got there start like this. Who don't wanna smoke what jay z smokes?
Now there's mmj business 101 for you there buddy.

BTW she does look stunning that bud you got there
With a better look bro I would most Def say kryptonite
When you look at gsc you see more oval small bud leafs then narrow pointed ones. That's one of it characteristics. Also very spaced out nodes, which you see on your the nodes are kinda closer together. (We're the nodes were before you striped the stems off)
Yeah I think it's not gsc as well Cuz the kryptonite buds look like this mini plant I have. Oh and I just harvested her today Cuz weather is crappy no more sun it's just cold and cloudy with rain.. I've had some gsc select and wow that was amazing but never seen that again around here it was super super frosty.
Yeah now I'm going to start growing in my small tent since the mother in law comes an stays I have to keep it very stealth. It's 30x18x36 tent with 135w led ufo and I'll order a ventech if4 fan for my phresh filter and if my led doesn't work I'm going with a Mars hydro later before flower. I have some more SDxPK auto and I will start some grape kush seeds I have two only regular seeds. Oh also going to try nectar for the gods nutrients it's a complete set up for one grow I believe. I'll be using a 3gal container for a DWC
Awesome man, dwc is a scary thing. I've never tried dwc. If you read threw seamorbuds (doubt I spelled that right) grow logs there is tons of invaluable information. More then you get with any book.
That's how I started growing in DWC it's not that bad. I have grown Afghan kush Ryder, blue diesel, and scooter and every grow came better and better I think my biggest yield was the blue diesel around 1.5 oz in a super small cab I got from ebay I think it was 2ft high I used just CFL and lst
So she went down already after 4 to 5 days drying and she weight 3 grams but after trimming some leaves I was left with 2.5 gs and into the freezer she is going at 420 am.

This was my first successful soil grow it was really small but nonetheless it was a fun journey that left me with a nice sun grown colita

Here's a pic before trimming it a Lil bit
Today I got my package from nectar for the gods going start using this when I pop my grape kush seeds I will be doing DWC in a 3 gal Rubbermaid container just Cuz it's shorter than a bucket and I'm trying to maximize space so going scrog and a 400w hps coming in a couple of weeks since I already got a job I start Monday so finally I can buy all the goodies I need..
Here's what I got
Zeus juice
Medusa magic
Demeters destiny
Herculean harvest
Athenas aminas
Gaia mania
And two small of
Olympus up
Bloom Khao

Has anyone used this line of nutrients before??
Ohhh and I found out if you take the picture with the phone to the side instead of regular the picture comes out straight not all rotated to the left